2013年12月1日 星期日




3. The Conclusion 結行

This has three sections: dedication, aspiration and requesting activity.


Dedication 迴向 

The text says:


All is purified into the three kayas: the environment, a heavenly place where
Dharmakaya, sambhogakaya and nirmanakaya—appearance and the form aggregates of existence
Melt into nectar, flooding the whole expanse of the sky with rainbow light.
Samsara is liberated into nirvana; this essence of immaculate nectar,
I share with all those who, from beginningless time until now,
Have been guests in worldly existence.

一切淨化  成為三身:器界聖宮中,


融為甘露  虹光滿溢於廣大天空。

輪迴解脫  成為涅槃;無瑕甘露藏,

吾人以此  獻予彼等─自無始至今,

其皆曾為  世間存有中之賓客眾。

The whole of appearance and existence is pure in its nature of the three kayas. This is because the five elements of the outer environment (i.e. the ‘vessel’) are, in their pure nature, the five buddha-consorts; the contents—the five aggregates—are, in their pure nature, the five buddhas; and the eight consciousnesses of the mental continuum are, in their pure nature, the five wisdoms. Therefore, the vast and secret Akanishtha pure realm, which is the space of the five buddha-consorts—the five elements of the outer environment in their utter purity—has the nature of a palace. And the aggregates, elements and sense sources that are found within this sphere, are, in their purity, the mandalas of buddhas of the dharmakaya, sambhogakaya and nirmanakaya.


Inanimate appearance (i.e. the ‘container’ that is the outer environment) and the form aggregates of animate existence are blessed and thereby melt into amrita nectar (symbolizing the destruction of the maras), until no part remains unchanged. The steam and vapours from the amrita appear in the form of rainbow-coloured light, which floods the whole expanse of the sky, and samsara itself is liberated into nirvana. Through this method, we can amass immaculate virtue and, by doing so, overcome all our negative emotions. This is the quintessential ‘amrita’, the virtue that we dedicate.


As for the objects to whom we dedicate, they are the guests in worldly existence who have wandered throughout the three realms of samsara from beginningless time until now—all sentient beings who have been our very own parents. We dedicate to them in a state that is free from the three conceptual spheres.


Aspiration 發願

The aspiration appears in the next five verses. Firstly:

Having attained all the noble qualities of the stages, paths and fruition,
And dispelled all obstacles in view, meditation and action,
Within the sky-like space of Samantabhadra’s wondrous wisdom mind,
May we seize the stronghold of the youthful vase body!

既已成就  地道果之一切聖功德,

並已遣除  見修行之一切障礙難,

於此普賢  上妙智慧意之虛空中,

願吾等能  奪佔童子瓶身之堡壘!

Through the power of all this accumulated virtue, may we attain all the noble qualities as we gradually traverse the five paths and ten stages which culminate in the ten strengths, four fearlessnesses and so on at the level of fruition! In this way, may we accomplish spontaneously the welfare of ourselves and others! May all obstacles in our view, meditation and action be dispelled! And ultimately, within the sky-like space of Samantabhadra’s wondrous wisdom mind, may we seize the stronghold of the youthful vase body—the inner clarity that is ‘youthful’ because it is clear wisdom with its own powers perfectly complete, but is contained within ‘a vase body’ since it is not yet manifest.




And when at last the great ocean of samsara is emptied,
May all beings attain buddhahood in the Lotus Net of Akanishtha!

且於彼時  輪迴大洋最終空盡時;

願眾皆於  無上究竟蓮華網成佛!

Having attained complete enlightenment and secured our own wellbeing, we will go on to act uninterruptedly for the benefit of others. So we make the following aspiration: ‘When at last the great ocean of samsara is emptied, may all beings attain buddhahood in the pure realm of Akanishtha, the untainted ‘Lotus Net’ extending throughout the whole of space!’


The aspiration continues:


The sang offerings of the aggregates and elements blaze in vivid, brilliant splendour!
The sang offerings of red and white bodhichitta blaze in bliss and emptiness!
The sang offerings of emptiness and compassion fill the dharmadhatu!
Upon the ground of five-coloured vajra light of phenomenal existence, samsara and nirvana,
I offer the sang offering of spontaneously accomplished perfect buddhahood.
May all my karmic debts from the past be purified!
In the present so they do not remain in my mind-stream, I confess them!
In the future, may I never be drawn into the wheel of obscuration!

諸蘊諸大  桑供物品熾燃光耀燦!

紅白菩提  桑供物品熾燃樂、空燦!

空性大悲  桑供物品周遍於法界!

輪涅顯有  五色金剛光之地基上,

吾獻此一  任運成就正等覺桑供。

願吾過往  所累業債皆能得清淨!

吾懺悔之  使其現不住於吾心續!

願吾未來  絕不受牽引入障蔽輪!

Through making a sang offering of the impure aggregates, elements and sense sources as the blazing forms of peaceful and wrathful deities, our ordinary bodies are liberated into illusory enlightened forms of vivid, brilliant splendour. Through making a sang offering of the ordinary red and white bodhichitta in the fiery expanse of wisdom, the wisdom of the unity of bliss and emptiness blazes supremely. The sang offering of indivisible emptiness and compassion fills the dharmadhatu.


Upon the ground of the blazing five-coloured vajra light of all the phenomena of appearance and existence, samsara and nirvana, we perform this sang offering for the attainment of precious, spontaneously accomplished, perfect buddhahood. Through the power of this, may all our karmic debts from past lifetimes be purified! In the present, we confess our harmful actions and transgressions so they do not remain in our mind-streams. And in future, through this confession, may we never again be drawn into the cycle of obscuration!


The text continues:


All impairments of the vows of individual liberation, bodhisattva precepts,
And samayas of the vidyadharas,
Conscious or unwitting, I openly admit.
May illness, harmful influence, obscurations and impurities be purified!
May this age of plague, famine and warfare be pacified!

別解脫戒  菩薩戒條等一切毀損,

諸戒學處  以及持明之三昧耶戒,

有意無意  一切違犯吾皆發露懺。

願能清淨  病苦邪力遮蔽與不淨!

願能平息  此一瘟疫飢荒戰事期!

The outer vows of individual liberation, the inner vows of the bodhisattvas, and the secret vows of the vidyadharas each have their own unique system detailing what is to be adopted and what is to be avoided. In the first of these it is primarily refraining from certain proscribed negative actions that is taught; in the second it is the precepts of accumulating virtue and maturing sentient beings; and in the third it is the various samaya commitments of the extremely secret mantra vehicle. We openly admit and confess all our impairments of these vows and commitments, incurred consciously or unwittingly. Through this confession, may all our illnesses, harmful influences, obscurations and impurities arising from the transgression of our vows and commitments be purified! May all the calamities of this age and place, such as plague, famine and warfare, be pacified!


Requesting Activity 祈請事業 

The text continues:


May the attacks of invaders be repelled!
May the forces that create obstacles by inviting the spiritual teacher to leave this world be averted!
May inauspicious bad omens for the land of Tibet be averted!
May the planetary forces, nagas and arrogant king-like spirits, who cut short the breath of life, be repelled!
May the eight great fears and sixteen lesser fears be overcome!
For me and all those around me, may all that is inauspicious be averted!
May the powers and strength of samaya-breakers and gongpo demons be averted!

願能驅退  任何入侵攻打者來犯!

願能迴遮  造成上師離棄之阻障!

願能迴遮  世界、藏地不吉祥惡兆!

願能驅退  星曜龍王傲慢靈奪命! 

願能征服  八大怖畏以及十六懼!

願能迴遮  吾與親眷一切不吉祥!

願能迴遮  破三昧耶者、貢波(gongpo厲鬼)之力!

May the attacks of invaders, or of barbarian armies coming from the four border regions towards Lhasa in order to destroy representations of the enlightened body, speech and mind, or to carry them off as plunder, be repelled!


May all the forces that create obstacles by inviting spiritual teachers to leave this world for the realms of peace be averted!


May all inauspicious bad omens for the land of Tibet be averted!


May the planetary forces, nagas and arrogant king-like spirits, who so abruptly cut short the breath of beings’ life, be repelled!


May the eight great fears of fire, drowning, wild animals and so on and the sixteen lesser fears be overcome!


May all that is inauspicious, for me and all those living around me, be averted!


May the powers and strength of obstructive samaya-breakers and the hosts of gongpo demons be averted!


When offering sang in this way, practise as indicated in the ritual for the fire offering, with 108 sang burners and various kinds of wood.


As for the benefits of this practice, the sang text says:


Through this diamond-like practice of Riwo Sangchö, one will be able to ‘ransom’ death, purify the misuse of offerings and avert the various kinds of obstacle. I, Lhatsün the illusory manifestation, wrote this in accordance with the dakini’s instructions when revealing the hidden land of Sikkim.


Gya. Gya. Gya.


The explanation provided here may be applied to more elaborate or briefer versions of the sang offering text as appropriate.


It is in the lotus grove of the pure scholarly tradition of scripture
That the sublime masters take their pleasure and delight, but
For those continuously engaged in village ceremonies, this donkey’s voice
May still provide some amusement with its garden of assorted advice.
From the stream of elegant sayings that benefit the teachings,
I have not taken even so much as a droplet on the tip of a blade of kusha grass,
Yet this garland of words that I have laboured to produce,
May still contain some moisture drawn from the clouds of Dharma.
Through the merit of this, may all beings
Find immediate relief from sickness, evil influence and fear of harm,
And ultimately, may they be freed from the torment of the negative emotions,
Always abiding by what is good and virtuous!


This explanation of sang offering, entitled ‘The Gentle Rain of Benefit and Joy’ was composed in response to the request of one named Samantabhadra. Not having seen many histories like this before, and recognizing that people these days take special delight in this practice as a method for improving the conditions of their present life, it was done mainly to be of benefit at this particular time. I, the Dharma-preaching monk, Gyalse Shenpen Taye, wrote down quickly whatever came to my mind in my hermitage ‘The Palace of Great Bliss’ at the monastery of Rudam Orgyen Samten Chöling.[5] May virtue increase!



| Translated by Adam Pearcey, Rigpa Translations, 2006. Root verses of Riwo Sangchö courtesy of Rigpa Translations.

| 本覺翻譯會/亞當培西於2006年英譯。感謝本覺翻譯會提供〈山淨煙供〉的根本詩偈。

1.     ‘Accomplishing the Life Force of the Vidyadharas’. 〈成就持明者的命力〉  

2.     The story of the householder Shrigupta is found in Khenpo Sangye Tendzin’s commentary to Sakya Pandita’s Elegant Sayings (Sakya Lekshe). In the story, Shrigupta is persuaded by a false teacher to set a trap for the Buddha and offer him some poisonous food. When the Buddha foils his plans, Shrigupta is repentant, and the Buddha makes him repeat the following verse three times: 在家者室利笈多的故事,可見於堪布桑傑滇津對薩迦班智達〈優雅開示〉(薩迦雷謝)的釋論。故事中,室利笈多因受假上師遊說而算計佛陀,並供養佛陀一些有毒的食物。當佛陀拆穿他的伎倆時,他為之懊悔,佛陀便要他覆誦下述詩偈三次:  

Attachment, aversion and ignorance,
These are the three worldly poisons,
The victorious buddhas possess no such poison.
The enlightened ones conquer poison through truth.


(This verse is then repeated with the Dharma and the Sangha in place of ‘the victorious buddhas’.) And:


All that is poisonous,
And any living beings possessing poison—
All this arises from the poison of attachment.
Attachment is the greatest of all poisons.


(This verse is then repeated for aversion and ignorance).


3.     This refers to the practice of removing water from the ear by pouring in even more water. 這指的是把更多水倒入耳中以除去耳中之水的方法。 

4.     The three appearances occur at the moment of death as the father’s white essence descends, the mother’s red essence ascends and the two meet at the heart. 臨終之際當父親白菩提下降、母親紅菩提上升,兩者於心輪中相會時,所出現的三個顯相。 

5.     Dzogchen Monastery. 佐欽寺  

~相關開示另請參考: (連此篇共十三筆)

詠給明就仁波切開示:煙供與火供的相異點 & 意義和功德


中譯:Shioping & Serena/普賢法譯小組2013.12.2;若有錯誤,敬請來信指正:sstc.roc@gmail.com。若有稍許功德,盡皆迴向上師長壽、正法長流、大地無災、眾生無難!


