2014年4月26日 星期六

神奇的度母唐卡 Tara Thangka in New York

神奇的度母唐卡 Tara Thangka in New York

140411 Initiatio_013(LR)01
During a dinner with HH Sakya Trizin and students attending his teachings this time, Ani Kunga at Sakya Tsechen Kungchab Ling, New York, shared this interesting story.
140411 Dinner_001(LR)01這位是噶桑嘉岑堪布(Khenpo Kalsang Gyaltsen),美國中心是由他負責建立的。堪布過於辛勞,之前嚴重中風,腦部手術後,完全癱瘓不醒人事很久,卻在不吃藥的情況下,現在已經恢復到除了因負責語言能力的腦部區域受損不能說話,腳比較沒有力氣,行走時需要人攙扶以外,頭腦竟然非常清楚,主事弟子還是不時請示他做各個大小決定。
This is Venerable Khenpo Kalsang Gyaltsen who has been working tirelessly in building this center. Heard that he went through a severe stroke, but has miraculously recovered wonderfully without taking any medication, just one surgery. Though I don’t really know him, you can certainly feel his devotion radiating brightly whenever H.H. walks past him.
140411 Dinner_005(LR)01-2吉美欽哲仁波切、喇嘛貢嘎(塔澤霞仲)仁波切、祖古貝瑪旺嘉仁波切等仁波切也在。
Jigme Khyentse Rinpoche, Lama Kunga Thartse Rinpoche and Tulku Pema Wangyal Rinpoche were also there.
~~ 接下來,故事的內容,敬請連結該網頁閱讀喔~~

