2015年5月27日 星期三

本覺維基詞彙中英藏梵翻譯對照: 佛陀與本尊 – 五守舍神與寂靜尊三座

佛陀與本尊 五守舍神與寂靜尊三座

Five Patron Gods五守舍神
Five Patron Gods (Tib. gowé lha nga) — natural ‘guardian deities’ or protective forces who have their seat within each person’s being, from where they exercise their protective influence: 駐錫於個別眾生之身體各處而行使保護作用的自然「護佑神祇」或保護力量。
1.     Yul lha is at the crown of the head 鄉土神,位於頭上的頂輪
2.     Dra lha (or Drala) is at the right shoulder 戰神(Dralha 或  Drala),位於右肩
3.     Pho lha is at the right armpit in men, replaced by the Molha at the left armpit in women 父族神,位於男性的右腋窩(稱為Pho lha)或是女性的左腋窩(稱為Molha)。
4.     Nor lha resides under the left armpit in men and under the right armpit in women. 母族神,位於男性的左腋窩下或是女性的左腋窩下。
5.     Sok lha at the heart, protecting the life-force, sok. 生命神,位於心輪,保護眾生的持命氣。
 [譯註] Dralha, Drala 札喇 請參考:
  • 16
  • Drala爪拉(音譯)。在香巴拉的法教中,特指超越憤怒而不再侵犯的顯現、能力、或勇氣。儘管有時翻譯為「戰神」,但作者的用意乃是超越戰爭的一種力量或能量。

    Deities of the three seats 寂靜尊三座
    The forty-two peaceful deities of the three seats or categories (Tib. den sum tsangwé kyilkhorWyl. gdan gsum tshang ba'i dkyil 'khor orgdan gsum tshang ba) are as follows: 42寂靜尊的三座或三種分類
    1.   the aggregates (skandhas) and elements (dhatus) are the seats of the five male and five female buddhas, and is called the seat of the buddhas;
    2.   the sense faculties and their objects are the seats of the eight male and the eight female bodhisattvas together with the six munis, and is called the seat of the bodhisattvas;
    1. the limbs are the seats of the male and female wrathful deities, or the four male and the four female gatekeepers (who are part of the forty-two peaceful deities even though they are in a wrathful form), and is called the seat of the wrathful deities.
    1. 諸佛座:蘊、處為五方佛父母之座
    2. 菩薩座:根、塵為八大菩薩、八大天女與六能仁之座
    3. 忿怒尊座:四肢為四方守護明王與明母之座(儘管祂們現忿怒相,實則屬於42寂靜尊之一)
    Alternative Terms/Translations
    ·         mandala of the three bases of completeness (Erik Pema Kunsang)
    ·         three seats of completeness
    ·         Buddhas and Deities
    ·         Vajrayana
    ·         Enumerations
    ·         03-Three

    前一篇:本覺維基詞彙中英藏梵翻譯對照:佛陀與本尊 BCDEF


    (普賢法譯小組Serena Yang初譯完稿於2015.05.28,感謝羅卓仁謙譯師提供五守舍神等的正確藏文中譯,若有稍許功德盡皆迴向眾生速證佛果!) 

