2015年8月29日 星期六



1. 關於民間文化的開示(8/12 耍壩子)吳寧強譯

2. An Interview with HE Dzongsar Khyentse Rinpoche by Vairochana

3. Dzongsar Khyentse Rinpoche's visited at Dzongsar monastery Kham Dege in Tibetan 2015(影片)https://www.facebook.com/TsechenSakyaPaKhyeno/videos/1064572900221934/

DJKR 德格短片

4. 宗薩欽哲仁波切最新電影
Lu Chig Tang: Sing me a song while i wait | Facebook:https://www.facebook.com/luchigtang
A story of what people will do when they are not known.
Shooting this fall, in Bhutan.

5. D J K R at Pema Osel Ling July 16 2015

6. 有關這兩尊佛像的描述中譯

8/24 不丹攝影師帕武的照片和配圖故事。(中譯)

7. 吳寧強師兄(貢絨埃薩)9/19 台北新書發表會
《實修的秘密——禪修綱舉 上下冊》
時間:2015年9月19日(周六)下午14:00 - 16:00

烏金督佳仁波切:在菩提迦耶要做些什麼 & 祈願文的重要性

Under the Bodhi Tree, Bodhgaya, 13 December 2014

During the latter part of 2014, Orgyen Tobgyal Rinpoche organized drupchens in both Lerab Ling and Bir before making his way to Bodhgaya in December. Quite by chance, under the Bodhi Tree he bumped into two students who had attended the drupchens. Eager not waste such a precious opportunity, they quickly asked Rinpoche to grant them the lung (reading transmission) for the Manjushri Nama Samghiti (The Tantra of the Names of Manjushri). A reasonable, even an auspicious request, you might think. But no. For those with the merit to find themselves under the great Bodhi Tree, said Rinpoche, to ask for a lung is rather missing the point…
烏金督佳仁波切於2014下半年,在12月份啟程前往菩提迦耶之前,於Lerab Ling(雷瑞林)和Bir(比爾)各舉行了一場大成就法會。非常湊巧,當仁波切來到菩提樹下,剛好就遇見了兩位參加過這些大成就法會的學生。他們不想浪費這麼珍貴的機會,於是迅速而熱切地請求仁波切授予《文殊真實名經》的口傳。你或許認為這是個合理、甚至可說是吉祥的請求,但事實上則不然。仁波切說:對那些具有福報而能來到這棵偉大菩提樹下的人來說,請求口傳,實在是搞錯了重點……

* * *
Buddha Shakyamuni felt boundless compassion for every single being. It is said it was this boundless compassion that moved him to make five hundred ‘mighty aspirations’ for sentient beings, the direct result of which was that he awoke fully to enlightenment—which shows us just how crucial it is for us to make aspiration prayers. You can receive a reading transmission anywhere, but you will only become a ‘buddha’ through the power of aspiration.

The aspiration for enlightenment arises out of your compassion for all sentient beings, and it's this compassion that motivates us to make the aspirations that eventually result in buddhahood. So the first step towards buddhahood is to arouse your compassion. Sentient beings in the three-thousand-fold world system are deluded by their own thoughts. We all imagine a ‘self’ where there is no ‘self’. And based on this fundamental misperception, samsara’s delusions unfold. If you undertake countless bodhisattva activities, you will eventually perfect the accumulations of merit and wisdom; the more merit you accumulate, the more obscurations you eliminate. Once you have eliminated every single obscuration, you will become a buddha, here, on this very spot.

A ‘buddha’ is someone who has realized emptiness, whereas sentient beings dwelling in the realms of existence are deluded—right? So delusion must be recognized for what it is. And once you know delusion, you will have acquired ‘wisdom’. The epithet, ‘the Omniscient One’ tells us Buddha has omniscient wisdom—those without wisdom are called ‘sentient beings’, while those with wisdom are called ‘buddhas’. And here, under the Bodhi Tree, is where that wisdom is realized.

The attainment of enlightenment is the result of an immense amount of bodhisattva activity. Once you become a buddha, though, that’s it! Your enlightened qualities will spontaneously benefit all sentient beings everywhere, in perpetuity. You can witness the activity of ‘enlightened qualities’ right here, around the Bodhi Tree. Everything you see is the enlightened activity of the Buddha. It is said that here, at the Vajra seat, reside all the one thousand and two Munis of this aeon, and that every single day—every instant!—a vast number of sentient beings benefit as a result. 

Take yourself, for example; you are a businessman, yet you've travelled here to the Bodhi Tree. This means you have great merit because the majority of this world’s businessmen never come to Bodhgaya. There are monks and beggars all over the place, but no executives in business suits—do you see any? Bodhgaya is also the most sacred place for practitioners of Dzogpachenpo. Shri Singha and Manjushrimitra spent their lives here, and Guru Rinpoche remained here for two hundred years.
以你自己為例:你是個商人,卻來到了這棵菩提樹下,這說明你有很大的福報,因為這個世界上大多數商人從來沒有到過菩提迦耶。這裡到處都是僧人和乞丐,但你有看到任何身著西裝的企業主管嗎?對大圓滿法教的行者來說,菩提迦耶也是最為神聖的地方。師利星哈(Shri Singha,吉祥獅子)以及妙吉祥友(Manjushrimitra,文殊師利米渣)畢生在此修行,蓮師(Guru Rinpoche,蓮花生大士)也在此常住了兩百年之久。

~普賢法譯小組Joy & Sarita中譯/Min, Sarita & Iris校對/Serena完稿於2015.08.29(若有指正敬請來信:sstc.roc@gmail.com),願一切有情具足善緣能於菩提迦耶發願成佛並見證佛陀的證悟功德事業!


The Truth Which is Natural to Awareness ~ Tilopa

Obsessive use of meditative disciplines or perennial study of scripture and philosophy will never bring forth this wonderful realization, this truth which is natural to awareness, because the mind that desperately desires to reach another realm or level of experience inadvertently ignores the basic light that constitutes all experience.


~ quoted in the book
 Teachers of Wisdomhttp://www.assoc-amazon.com/e/ir?t=jusdhaquo-20&l=as2&o=1&a=1434998983


節選自《大智之師》(Teachers of Wisdom)

~ 譯註:*或說與禪修有關的戒律規矩;**對覺性來說屬於本然、自然而然的真相。

普賢法譯小組Min中譯 / Sarita, Iris校對 / Serena完稿於2015.08.29(若有指正敬請來信:sstc.roc@gmail.com),願一切有情迅速得證本自光明!  



Some people may have the idea that these teachings on compassion and exchanging self and others are part of the "gradual path" teachings of the sutras, and are not nearly as effective as the more advanced "direct path" teachings of the Great Perfection or the Great Seal. That is a complete misunderstanding.

Only if you have developed the love and compassion of relative bodhicitta can absolute bodhicitta - the very essence of the Great Perfection and the Great Seal - ever take birth in your being.

If the teachings of Longchen Rabjam and Jigme Lingpa have become so widespread and have been of benefit to so many people, it is because the minds of these two great teachers were constan
tly pervaded with compassion and bodhicitta.

Jigme Lingpa's great disciple, Dodrup Jigme Trinle Ozer went to Kham, the eastern provinces of Tibet, and helped thousands of people there by transmitting the teachings of the Longchen Nyingthig, the Heart Essence of the Vast Expanse to them. He later wrote to Jigme Lingpa, "This could only happen because I had meditated for so long in mountain solitudes on compassion."

The exchange of yourself and others can be approached step by step.

The first stage is to see yourself and others as equally important - others want to be happy and not to suffer just as you do. So you should wish happiness for others in the same way that you wish it for yourself, and wish that they may avoid suffering, just as you do.

The second stage is the exchange of yourself and others; you wish that others may have your happiness and that you may take their suffering.

There is a third stage, which is to cherish others more than yourself, like the great bodhisattvas who, meeting a blind person, would have no hesitation in giving him their own eyes. At that point, all selfish preoccupation has completely disappeared and you are solely concerned with the welfare of others. Keep right on with this practice until it becomes a reality.

Shantideva says in The Way of the Bodhisattva:

All the joy the world contains
Has come through wishing happiness for others.
All the misery the world contains
Has come through wanting pleasure for oneself.

Is there need for lengthy explanation?
Childish beings look out for themselves,
While buddhas labor for the good of others:
See the difference that divides them!

~出處Dilgo Khyentse Rinpoche - The Heart of Compassion頂果欽哲仁波切《你可以更慈悲》



The Purpose of Seclusion ~ Tulku Urgyen Rinpoche

With many distractions one is not able to practice the Dharma properly. Distraction means a lot of business, noise and things to do. When going up in the mountains there will be less distraction. That is the reason for mountain retreat. In addition to that, if one is able to keep some discipline, remaining in solitude without allowing outsiders to visit and not going out oneself, there will be no other distraction than that made by one’s own mind. External distractions have been eliminated. That is the purpose of seclusion.

2015年8月23日 星期日



Rinpoche in the beautiful valley of Dzongsar with the two most precious treasures of Dzongsar, Tibet; the Buddha statue that has 'the warmth of a small bird' and the Tara that spoke.

The Buddha statue belonged to the great Dharma King Tri Ralpachen, and as the name suggests has an inner warm of a small bird. Many people who have held the statue with pure devotion confess on feeling this warmth.

The Tara statue belonged to Jamyang Khyentse Wangpo. It is said that Khyentse Wangpo had instructed one of his attendants to buy a 'special' Tara statue from the local market, but the attendant could not identify which one was the 'special one'. At that time, this Tara statue apparently spoke to the attendant telling him 'I am the one you are supposed to buy'. Rinpoche said the statue had spoken to Khyentse Wangpo and Khyentse Chokyi Lodro, he also said she was a protector of Dzongsar, having saved Dzongsar a number of times.

Please feel free to share this photo.

2015年8月16日 星期日


Some people may have the idea that these teachings on compassion and exchanging self and others are part of the "gradual path" teachings of the sutras, and are not nearly as effective as the more advanced "direct path" teachings of the Great Perfection or the Great Seal. That is a complete misunderstanding.

Only if you have developed the love and compassion of relative bodhicitta can absolute bodhicitta - the very essence of the Great Perfection and the Great Seal - ever take birth in your being.


- Dilgo Khyentse Rinpoche - The Heart of Compassion頂果欽哲仁波切《你可以更慈悲》

~普賢法譯小組Hueymei中譯 / Serena完稿於2015.08.17(若有指正敬請來信:sstc.roc@gmail.com),願一切有情於相續中圓滿生起勝義菩提心!




Completely free from judging yourself,
Watch your physical, mental, and emotional behavior.
What are your weaknesses?
Watch how easily you are irritated.
Watch how easily your mind judges other people.
Watch what you say and think when your mood is off.
Completely free from judgement,
Transform your weaknesses into gentle reminders to let go and recheck your motivation.
Practicing this will greatly benefit yourself and others.

By Kyabgön Phakchok Rinpoche

~普賢法譯小組Susane中譯 / Serena完稿於2015.08.16(若有指正敬請來信:sstc.roc@gmail.com),願一切有情對自他完全不作批判,總是溫和提醒! 

9/5 起 (每周六 3:30-5:30) 佛學英文班:共讀聽列諾布仁波切的「愛與信心」,將開設Skype讓中南部和國外的朋友即時參與!


 中南部和國外朋友用Skype參與課程的方式,請洽 sstc.roc@gmail.com

Dharma English Study on Thinley Norbu Rinpoche’s
Love & Faith” from his work: “White Sail

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