2015年8月5日 星期三

Rigpa Wiki 量詞 SEVEN 的中文譯詞 (含連結網址)

Rigpa Wiki 量詞 SEVEN (連結網址) 中文譯詞
Seven aspects of kyerim 生起次第七修
Seven aspects of union 雙運七相/報身佛七功德
Seven authoritative transmissions 伏藏七法
Seven branches 七支(頂禮、供養、懺悔、隨喜、請轉法輪、請佛住世、迴向)
Seven divine dharmas 七聖法(噶當巴四大本尊和《三藏》)
Seven elements for enlightenment 七覺分/七覺支
Seven faults for all types of kyerim 生起次第七患
Seven golden mountain ranges 七重金山
Seven great qualities of the Mahayana 大乘七種大義
Seven heroic buddhas 過去七佛/原始七佛
S cont.
Seven kinds of cognition (認知的七種分類)
Seven kinds of pride 七種慢
Seven men to be tested 七預試/七試人/七覺士
Seven mental processes (色界四禪及四無色定的七種內在狀態)
Seven noble riches 七聖財
Seven patriarchs 七代付法藏師
Seven Point Training in Cause and Effect 七重因果修心法
Seven Points of Mind Training 修心七要
Seven precious emblems of royalty 輪王七寶
Seven Profound Cycles 甚深七法(秋吉林巴所取出的七伏藏法)
S cont.
Seven qualities of birth in higher realms 善趣七德
Seven riches of the absolute 勝義七財
Seven Treasuries 《七寶藏》論
Seven Treatises on Valid Cognition 因明七論
Seven vajra points 七金剛論題
Seven vajra qualities 金剛七德
Seven-point posture of Vairochana 毗盧七支坐法
Sevenfold reasoning of the chariot 七相無我觀

~普賢法譯小組 Peter / Serena   2015.08.05,若有稍許功德盡皆迴向眾生速證佛果!

