2016年1月11日 星期一

夏札仁波切的最終教言 & 其千金關於父親圓寂的重要公開信,請法友務必閱讀!

Teong Hin Ooi
Chatral Rinpoche left a testament. It says:
"There is no reincarnation (yangsi) of me.
You need not weep for my sake.
Crying for my sake will not help.
Better than that, entrust your mind to the Dharma.
Let your actions be of help to others.
Especially, settle evenly in the continuity of the natural Great Perfection."
Those are the words he left.
(Faithfully translated by Erik Pema Kunsang). Thanks very much to Erik Pema Kunsang

夏札仁波切女兒關於父親圓寂的重要公開信(藏文中譯),請法友務必閱讀!(英譯網址 https://www.facebook.com/permalink.php?story_fbid=781499508650354&id=459406200859688&substory_index=0&refid=13&_ft_=top_level_post_id.964197426980168%3Atl_objid.964197426980168%3Athid.1021293440 或 https://m.facebook.com/story.php…

