2023年4月26日 星期三




 On the other hand, haunted ground is everywhere, because we can meet our inner demons wherever we are. Our identification with inner demons can be severed by meeting them face to face. Otherwise, they continuously live hidden in us, ruling our lives without knowing. This practice of meeting inner demons face to face could be regarded as a radical form of developing self-knowledge. Without radical self- knowledge, our spiritual practice can become a form of entertainment for our egos, a subtle self-deception in which we have the illusion of being spiritual while actually being under the control of conflicting emotions.

 – “Into the Haunted Ground”by Anam Thubten, page 40

~ 出處


 ~ 簡介:阿南渡登(Anam Thubten)生長於西藏,自幼出家,從蘇羅喇嘛(Lama Tsurlo)、千貝堪布(Kenpo Chopel)、噶旺喇嘛(Lama Garwang)等上師修學佛法。一九九零年代末期,阿南渡登在某佛教中心的邀請下移民到美國。他以藏文和英文著書,包括《無我,無礙》和《覺性之妙》。他的著作已被譯成多種語文,如韓文、俄文、德文等。阿南渡登四處弘法,足跡遍及美國內外,影響了世界各地的修行者。他目前居住在舊金山灣區。https://www.dharmata.org/zh-hant/%E9%98%BF%E5%8D%97%E6%B8%A1%E7%99%BB/

~普賢法譯小組Joy翻譯 / Serena校對,願一切吉祥!


