2010年3月6日 星期六


~ Serena 2010/03/06

中譯:孫一 居士
原 序
其次思維“壞苦” :
整個人生耗於“準備”中,每個人皆死於“準備”時,直到死時“準備”猶未盡,何不早為來世做“! 準備”!執著於痛苦世間的眾生是可憐憫的!
當瑜伽士之主偉大的薩迦巴――薩千・貢噶・寧波十二歲時,他依慈悲的巴里・羅劄瓦(Bari Lotsawo )為師。一次當聽法時,巴里譯師說:“你是一位大修行者的獨子,一定要好好修行,你需要智慧,可修神聖的文殊師利法。”於是便傳授了文殊師利灌頂和口授給他。
由上師的陪伴,薩千在老寺開始閉關專修,起初有些障礙生起,他以禪修,念誦和Blue Acala 的水護法將之克服。經過六個月的修行,一天,薩千真的清楚地看到了文殊師利菩薩端坐在寶座上,手結說法印,旁邊有兩位菩薩侍者,此時文殊師利說:
後來,薩千將此教法傳給他的兒子――蘇南・則莫大師(Sonam Tsemo)再經傑森・仁波切・達波嘉晨(Jetsen Rinpoche Dakpa Gyaltshen)、確傑・薩迦・班智達(Choje Sakya Pandita)、卓貢・確嘉・發思巴桑・空確・帕( Drogon Chcgyal Phakpa Zhang Konchok Pal)、塔・布巴(Tak Phukpa)、確傑! ・蘇南・嘉晨・帕・桑波(Choje Sonam Gyaltshen Pal Zangpa)、喇嘛巴登・側亭(Lama Palden Tshultim)、確傑、耶希・嘉晨・帕・桑波( Choje Yeshe Gyattshen Pal Zangpa)傳至貢噶・桑! 波上師(本文作者),再經不間斷之傳承傳至當今我們的上師薩迦・催金・納汪・貢噶(His Holiness Sakya Trizin Ngawang Kunga)。
A 前行
下面將此十八種必要條件分述於後,有八種是需要避免的,謂之八無暇,即生為(1)地獄眾生(2)餓鬼(3)畜生(4)! 長壽之天人(5)野蠻人(6)不正見者(7)無佛之地的眾生(8)愚癡之人。另有十種條件是必須具備的,稱為十圓滿,其中五種須由自己擁有,另五種則來自他人。五種自圓滿為:(1)生為人(2)生於中國(有出家或在家修行的男女眾之地)(3)六根健全(4)未犯五無間罪(或叫他人犯或隨喜他人犯)(5)對佛法有真實信心。五種他圓滿為(1)有佛出世(2)佛說法(3)佛的教法被保存著(4)有依法修行者(5)有慈心的施主供養。
其次應思維死和無常,蘇羅(Sura)大師曾在他的解除痛苦(Removing of SorrOW)一書中說:
(1)地獄苦:地獄有三種:寒地獄、熱地獄、近邊地獄和短命地獄。寒地獄又有八種,第一是皰地獄(Blister Hell):眾生生於雪山間,既無日光亦無屋舍,其間充滿冰塊,一陣不可置信的冷風吹來,周身起皰,其壽量之長短在阿毗達摩俱舍論中說:
第二個地獄稱為“裂皰地獄”(Bursting Blister Hell),因為比前一個地獄更冷,身上的皰已破裂,水、膿和血等由皰內流出。
第三個地獄更冷,稱為“剝剝地獄”(Brrrr Hell),因為地獄眾生冷得發出剝剝的哭聲。
第四獄較第三獄更冷,稱為“噅地獄”(Whisss Hell),因為更冷的關係,眾生已無法發聲,只有吐氣“噅噅聲! ”故名。
第五獄更冷得多,眾生已經無力發出任何聲音,身體已完全凍僵,故稱“牙關咬緊地獄”(Clenched Teeth Hell)。
第六獄較第五獄更冷,並有一股強烈的冷風吹來,眾生的皮膚變成藍色並裂成八瓣,故名為“裂如烏巴拉花地獄”(Cracked Like an Utpala Flower Hell)。
第七獄更冷,由於冷風吹襲,皮膚裂成更多瓣,且身體轉成紅色,故名為“裂如蓮花地獄”(Cracked Like a Lotus Hell)。
第八獄更冷得多,周身內外皆凍硬如石,身體裂成十六塊,內臟、大小腸也碎成多片,故名為“裂如大蓮花地獄”(Cracked Like a Large Lotus Hell)。你應將這些痛苦謹記於心,並反覆地細心思維。
熱地獄亦有八種。第一種稱為“復蘇地獄”,由於業力,你生在一處由燃燒著的鐵所構成的地方,你的身體很年輕,具有很強的自我執著,不論隨手拿起什麼東西,皆自然變成武器,所見的任何人,也都視為敵人,於是互相刺殺起來,終於身體被切成多塊,且失去知覺。此時天際傳來“復! 蘇”之聲,並有一陣冷風吹到身上,你的身體又復活了,外表仍和以前相似,一樣年輕。
第八獄稱為“無間地獄”(梵文稱為阿鼻地獄(Avici Hell)),於此鐵火洞燃的獄中,你無法分辨火與被火燒的眾生,唯一你能發覺那兒有眾生的徵象是聽到他的號哭聲。
其意思是人間五十年相當於欲界第一天,即四天王天的一日,如是三十日為一月,十二月為一年。四天王天的天人要活這樣的五百年,那麼復蘇地獄中的一日就相當於此(即四天王天天人之壽量),以此方式計算復蘇地獄的眾生,要活該獄的五百年。相似地,人間一百年相當於欲界第二天,即三十三天的一日,此天的壽量為他們的一千年,此一千年則相當於黑繩地獄中的一日,如此計算此獄的眾生要活該獄的一千年。人間兩百年相當於欲界第三天即夜摩天的一日,此天的壽量為他們的兩千年,此兩千年則相當於壓地獄中的一日,如此計算此獄的眾生要活該獄的兩千年。人間四百年相當於兜率天的一日,此天的壽量為他們的四千年,此四千年即相當於哭號地獄的一日,按此計算哭號地獄的眾生壽量為其獄的四千年。人間八百年相當於化樂天的一日,此天的壽量為他們的八千年,而這八千年即相當於大哭號地獄的! 一日,如此計算,此獄的眾生要活該地獄的八千年。人間一千六百年相當於他化自在天的一日,此天的壽量為他們的一萬六千年,這一萬六千年即相當於熱地獄的一日,按此計算,熱地獄的眾生壽量為其一萬六千年。大熱地獄眾生的壽量為半中劫。無間地獄眾生的壽量為一中劫(Intermediate aeon )。
此外,又有四種近邊和短命地獄,第一個名為“火溝地獄”,它位於其他地獄的周邊,任何進入此火坑者,肢體皆被燒傷,當你將右足舉起時,燒傷自然痊癒,而左足卻被燒傷,然後當左足舉起時,其燒傷亦自然痊癒,而右足卻再被燒傷,所有的內臟、腸胃亦皆燒著,煙從五官冒出(如眼、鼻、口等等)。第二個稱為腐屍泥地獄,該地儘是不淨之物,你以倒栽蔥的姿勢掉入其中,於是穢物充滿五官(如口、鼻等)。此外,穢泥中有很多鐵嘴蟲,它們在你的肢體上! 鑽切深入骨中,受苦無量。第三個名為“刀途地獄”,此地獄有許多部分,第一個先要通過腐屍泥地獄,然後來到一處該地充滿極鋒利的尖刀,行於其上你的骨肉皆被切成碎片,第二個亦先通過腐屍泥獄,然後你來到一箭樹林,所有的樹枝皆由武器做成(譬如:劍等),為了躲避由自己業力造成的酷熱,你進入林中,此時一陣風吹起,所有樹上的刀葉皆落到你身上,身體被節節肢解,受苦無量。其次,你來到“多面山”,很想登上山頂,然而沿途儘是八寸和十六寸長的上尖鐵樁,你渾身皆被割傷,到達山頂後,又遇到鐵嘴的鳶鳥,它們啄你的眼、口,甚至吃你的腦髓,於是你想趕快下山,乃再行於上尖的鐵樁上,在山腳又遇到鐵狗和豺狼,它們撲上來吃你的肢節,並將你撕成碎片,受苦無量。此外,在有些近邊地獄和短命地獄中,你的身體和舌頭被拉出,以長釘釘在火燒的鐵板上,獄卒以犁于上耕之。
首先,外在的,由於不善業之力(如貪婪等),你生入餓鬼道中,雖然經常感到饑渴異常,但卻連飲食都見不到,有時看到遠處有一座飯山或一條大河,乃立刻啟程前往,由於路程遙遠,旅途艱難,受盡了身心折磨,好不容易到達了,卻發現飯山原只是一塊白色的岩石或一堆白土;河也只是海市蜃樓或一條藍色的石板而已,由於饑渴不得滿足乃受苦無量。第二種是內在的,除了上述外在的痛苦外;有時縱使真的找到了一些飯食,卻因為口小如針孔,吃不進去,努力想塞進去,嘴被撕裂,血亦滴下,非常痛苦;有時即使食物塞進嘴裏,卻無法咽下,因為咽喉細如馬尾毛,而且表面粗糙,於是咽喉被撕裂;有時縱使少許食物真被吃進胃裏,但卻無法驅除饑渴,因為胃大如山,因而更感痛苦,因為此時較以前更覺饑渴了。第三種是飲食的,當你正徘徊于四方尋找食物時,你卻遇到其他監督的餓鬼,他們追捕你打擊你! ,由於恐懼受苦無量,有時得到一點食物,卻害怕被別的餓鬼搶去,即使未被搶,自食時也會造成前述的無法下嚥等苦,有時即使咽下,由於過去業力之故,在胃裏卻化成火焰,臟腑和全身都被燒傷,火焰從五官冒出(如口中)受苦無量。雖然痛苦是如此劇烈,卻無法避免,必須一再地受這種劇苦,直到業盡為止。
(3)畜生之苦:思維畜生的苦,可將之分為兩類,第一類是生活于海洋中大量的生物,在外海有許多生物,如魚等成群成叢而生,他們相互擠壓,有如啤酒桶中發酵的穀子。被海浪和海流沖徙著,居無定所,他們為不知走向何處、將會遇到那些不友善的生物而焦急,大的吃小的,有時小的成群攻擊大的,如海蝸牛成群攻擊魚,此外,有些生物于陸塊間的黑暗中,連自己的身體都看不見。彼! 此堆積在一起擠壓著,因此根本無法行動尋找食物,而受饑渴之苦;第二類是散居的畜生,有些是由人畜養的,或拉車或犁田或被擠奶或做許多苦工,還要被鐵鏈捆綁、被鉤棒擊打,乃至最後被宰殺吃肉。有些則被賣掉,或逐入荒野。另一些則因人類欲取其皮、毛、骨、珍珠等而被圍捕,有時被獵犬追得無路可走,由山崖上跳下,縱使身受重傷,仍須繼續逃亡,最後終難逃被捕殺的命運。畜生普遍性的苦是愚癡。經思維畜生普遍及其個別的苦惱,細心反省修學純淨佛法的重要。
2、壞苦:由於過去的業力,你可能生為天人,妙衣、美食和其他無量享受(如美麗的天女等),皆能如意。然而當天人臨死之五衰相現時,其內心的痛苦甚至超過地獄之苦,死後,一個如帝釋天的天王可能轉生於某家做僕人。身為日月天之子,其身光可照耀四大部洲,而死後可能必須轉生於陸塊間的黑暗中,伸手不見五指,苦不堪言。有些則由統治世界的大帝而淪為僕人的奴僕;就在人道中,你也可能由一個強人變成弱者,或由富人變為窮人。有時一整族的人種可能絕滅。你會恐懼遇到可恨的敵人(怨憎會苦)以及和相愛的親友分離(逡 蹌e離苦),不能得到想要獲得的,以及達成自己的願望(求不得苦),為人的痛苦不可思議;阿修羅則終日爭吵,以武器打鬥,肢體皆被切碎。具嗔恨心性的阿修羅,其心中的痛苦極大不可思議,因嫉妒天人生活之富裕美好而懷恨在心,令他們受苦無量。
人們努力從事活動和工作真是永無休止啊!而這些活動大都無目標且浪費時間和精神,你毫無意義地將寶貴的生命消耗於種種工作的準備中,想:“我必須參加這個活動,必須做那個工作。”等等,當死亡來臨時,由於已毫無目標地將生命浪擲于無意義的工作上,你會因無法完成自己的心 姸軜O大痛苦,富人有懼怕財物被偷或被搶奪之苦;窮人則為三餐溫飽而疲於奔命。總之,無論生為三界六道中的任何一種眾生,皆不能脫離苦性,因此,欲不再受這些苦痛,你必須細心思維修學純淨佛法的重要。
惡行的性質有十種。第一是殺:經由三毒(貪、嗔、癡)的任何一種而生起殺心,然後有意地殺害任何眾生(從螞蟻、小蟲至人或胎兒皆屬之),則已犯殺。第二是盜:未經給予,偷取他人的東西,乃至是一粒米穀,則已犯盜。第三是邪淫,若與非婚姻的伴侶,或執佛法之旗者(如僧尼)或當天受八戒者,或受父母保護者,或即使是自己的妻子而于非時行淫(如白日),則已犯邪淫,以上三種屬身業。第四是妄語:基於不純淨的動機(如欲望),為達欺騙的目的,你向他人說謊,而且對方能聽到並能瞭解你的話,則已犯妄語。第五是兩舌:為達離間他人的目的,用言語挑撥其間的情感,則已犯兩舌。第六是惡口:出於不純淨的動機(如嗔恨),以強烈的言語(不論是否為事實),打擊他人的心,則已犯惡口。第七是綺語:若閒談許多懶散無意義的言語,造成身心的不穩定,形成自他修善的障礙,則已犯綺語。! 此四種屬語業。第八是貪:起於貪的動機,想要獲得他人的財勢發達等等,則已犯貪。第九是嗔:基於嗔恨心,生起希望他人受害或受苦的心,此則犯嗔。第十是不正見:由於癡心,認為無業果律、無四聖諦、無三寶等等,或不相信經典中所教的,如“善業得樂報,惡業得苦報”,此則為不正見,以上三者為意業。
在Nam Nang Ngon Chang (一部Carya Tantra)“大悲為因,菩提心為根,善巧方便為緣,行者可達究竟覺。”實修時,則須修慈心、悲心、菩提心及菩薩行。
你必須修學相對菩提,在此你觀想將自己和他人交換,觀想廣大如虛空般的眾生為你禪修的對象,念誦下文:“願一切眾生的苦痛皆成熟於我,願以我的功德令他們都得到快樂。”或“願一切如虛空般廣大眾生們的身心痛苦,統統成熟於我,願我所具有的一切功德、快樂、美德等等,一切! 眾生皆能獲得。”以虔誠心和決心來念誦修習之。
所以你應將心,一心安住于一個修止的物件上――不論是內心的物件或外在的物體(如:黑色珠子)皆可。在月燈三昧經(Samadhiraja Sutra)中,Uttara Bhadra 長者說,應以佛像或觀想佛像做修止的物件,雖然不論將心一心安住于一粒黑珠子或佛像並無差別。然而在觀想佛像時,能섡 钅銘浧鸱鹜樱겹矢ﲾ吖?拢곒虼耍곔诖藪裼眠@個方法。
所以在修觀前必須修止。正如前文中所引述的一樣“應先將止修好”,當你將“止”修好之後,可將止轉移至任! 何物件,當你可以將心經年累月地安住于任何物件時,這時你的“止”可謂修好了。然而“止”本身並不能解決痛苦,欲除苦還必須修觀,經由分辨的觀慧透視一切心物現象的真性,其心了悟了遠離一切邊見(譬如:有、空、常、無等)是謂“觀”。“止”已如前述,下節將討論“觀”。蓋經由觀慧透視的對象,必先以“止”的功夫令之一心安住於心前。
依次地將一切外境皆視為心造,視心為幻化,視此幻化不具任何本性後,你已肯定地達到一切事物皆空的覺悟――一個徹底遠離一切心造之“邊”(mentallv- created extremes )(譬如:有、無、亦有亦無、非有非無)的境界。將了悟此之心和一切事物之真性無二地溶合在一起,使它們溶合一味,如水投入水中;熔化的奶油溶入熔化的奶油中一般,你應一心地修。經過這樣經常的修習,你會逐漸地習慣於真理,經由了悟空性產生的無緣大悲會自然生起,會對尚未能覺悟此空性的眾生生起無緣大悲。此外,執著事物為實有的錯誤消失了,一切幻化的境界皆成為本覺智(primordie wisdom),這樣你會達到究竟覺悟的境地,具足圓滿三身。
(偉大的金剛持上師和密咒持貢噶・列巴(Kunga Lekpa),他擁有許多珍貴的教法和覺悟,他向法主諾千・貢噶・桑波請得此法。我是將這位神聖喇嘛腳底的塵土頂在頭上的比丘貢噶・萊玲(Kunga Lekrin),曾經聽此教法兩次,我谡 ⒅껓浵拢瑏K呈予法主(諾千・貢噶・桑波)過目,經認可無誤(括弧中的說明是由第一世的親尊仁波切――蔣揚親尊・汪波(Jamyang Khyentse Wangpo)所作))。
大智如聖道遍一切無不知 如月光之大悲是眾生頂岩
神聖事業是滿眾願如意寶 賜予眾生功德之無比怙主
三世諸佛智慧之總集 文殊師利我敬禮
三界一切眾生之怙主 觀音菩薩我敬禮
於末法以人身道眾生 薩迦尊者(貢噶寧波)我敬禮
以及不難知名諸聖賢眾 我皆一心而敬禮
第一種教法的內容包括:思維求得修學必要條件的難得,死和無常行為的因果律,世間的過患等,經由思維此四者,行者能成為發起菩提心的法器,經由修學慈悲心的前行法相當時日後,然後修正行,此正行主要是修自他交換的菩提心,有時亦修習絕對菩提心,關於此道的分支修法有:將不利的環境轉入覺道、修行之徵兆、修心之誓約、修心之戒條等。基於這樣的修行,行者對於完成長遠的大道會有一些小小的明確徵兆。在西藏,阿底峽尊者只將此教法傳給其法友卓東巴,卓東巴又只將之傳與三位珍貴的兄弟,經引三兄弟這個教法廣傳開來,在西藏雪嶺間的隱處,此道如日月般地有名,欲瞭解此法,須看其他的人的作品,如嘉色・確縱! 及其弟子及須努・嘉確。
第二,思維“死和無常”,首先仍修皈依和發菩提心,然後作如下的思維:沒有一個生命出生之後能夠不死的,死쨡 潜厝坏模겶说貙?篮筒凰罌]有保證,因為死的因緣多,生的因緣少,故死是必然的,死亡來臨時,沒有任何方法(譬如:吃藥和宗教服務)可以避開它。此時,什麼都無用了,死後,你的僕人,財富皆帶不去,唯有佛法能跟著你,所以必須遠離對此生的執著,這是令人趨向法的主要方法,因此,縱使你現在吃著美食,穿著錦衣,周圍環繞著僕從,仍應如是思維:雖然目前看似如此美好,但總有一天要與這此分離的,屆時我必須獨自離去,所以這一切都沒有什麼意義和價值。”於是你離開了對此生活的執著。
第三,是思維行為的結果,修皈依和發菩提心後,作如下的思維:“我雖已得到如此難得的修法必要條件,但此身是無常的,因此在死之前,我必須捨棄一切的不善,並盡累積功德,因為造十惡的果報是生於三惡道中,果必緣於其因,如殺生得短命報、偷盜得貧窮報等等,instrumental因是指習慣於犯某一種特殊惡業,使人有再犯該項不善的意願。這些惡業的果報也會生於三惡道中,無由得解脫、果報環境則是骯! 髒難聞之地,如是思維後,則極樂意捨棄這引惡行。同樣地,行善的果報則生於快樂之界,果亦應於因,如不殺生得長壽報等等,行善的instrumental因是喜愛一再地做某種善業意願,環境的果報則是生於香潔之地等等,所以我一定要完成這些善業。”尤其是瞭解了什麼應該接受、什麼應拒絕的因果律後,必須將之付諸實行。
天此你應思維三界(欲界、色界、無色界)的過患。修皈依和發菩提心後,思惟:“三界世間的性質不外是苦。在熱地獄中受火燒刀割等苦,在寒地獄中受極寒之苦,骨肉皆裂成碎片;在近邊地獄則受火炭遍地等苦。如果,這些苦讓我現在的身體來承受,真是千分之一也受不了,餓鬼、渴、寒、熱種種艱難和恐懼之苦,畜生受相互啖食之苦,人們飼養的畜生則受苦役和宰殺之苦。至於人,高貴變成低賤的,求不得苦、怨憎會苦、愛別離苦――這些和其他種種苦是! 可以立刻見到的。欲界天人,當其臨終的衰相現時,內心的痛苦較之地獄價值 生肉體的痛苦尤劇,至於色界和無色界的天人,雖然他們目前不會直接感受到痛苦,但有一天他們必會墮下下去,遍嘗下界之苦,故此三界之存在皆不離苦的本質,因此我必須捨棄整個世間並求達解脫之地。若將本節與三士(三種根性的行者)道次第相比,則相當於完成了中、下二士(小根和中根性的行者)道:依據金洲大師的教法,以上完成了基礎加行之‘四法’”。
關於願菩提心,你應如是思維:“雖然我希望三界父母皆得快樂,皆離痛苦,但目前我卻無此能力令其實現,不僅我不能,世間的大人物,如梵天、帝釋等,以及超越世間的聲聞、緣覺們也不能,唯有究竟圓滿覺悟的佛陀具此能力,故為了一切眾生的緣故,我必須成佛!必須令世間海中所有慈愛的父母們皆得解脫・”成佛沒有其他的因,如果你心中真正生起了菩提心,那麼所須做一切修行的功德,都成了達於究竟! 覺悟的因。因此,在大乘經典中經常有讚歎菩提心的文章。
最後,是修自他交換,觀想現世的母親在自己面前,然後如是思維:”我母親對於我這樣慈悲,而今她處於苦惱的性質中,我應對她生起悲心,願母親所有的苦痛和惡業皆成熟於我;我,由我來承擔;願我的一切幸福和功德成熟于母親,令她成佛!擴之,你應對其他人和親友或只是相認識聽聞過的人,曾經傷害你的敵人乃至惡道受苦眾生等等,均思維習之。最後你應修習將一切眾生廣大的痛苦統統集中於自身,並將自己的幸福t 功德給予一切眾生,同時願意此成眾生瑞士如意和究竟成佛的因,這是大乘修行的心要和三世諸葛亮佛的密教,至於所以要如是修的理由,此教法之戒律和除去疑惑的修法則未提及,因為實在太多了!
這些都是修道的重點,應認真修行。為善用目前的“身業”,你應修禮拜和繞佛;為善用“口業”,你應念佛菩! 薩的贊偈和讀深奧的經典;為善用“意業”,你應修慈心、悲忙亂菩提心;為善用財富,你應佈施三寶並尊敬僧伽。如果你以清淨的祈願決心成佛,必能得到究竟覺悟,覺悟中具有一切無染的品質。

2010年3月5日 星期五

宗薩欽哲仁波切談 Distortion

The Distortions We Bring To The Study of Buddhism, Dzongsar Khyentse Rinpoche, Shambhala Sun, September 1997.

Dzongsar Khyentse Rinpoche takes a good look at the biases we hold in how we approach Buddhism in "The Distortions We Bring To The Study of Buddhism," from Shambhala Sun. This is from 1997, but it's still very relevant.
Dzongsar Jamyang Khyentse calls on Westerners to acknowledge the distortions we may bring to the study of Buddhism—through our cultural arrogance, the deceit of ego, and simple ignorance. The successful transplant of such a subtle and challenging practice as Buddhism, he says, depends on thorough study and clear recognition of our habitual patterns.
Transplanting anything from a foreign culture is a difficult process which may corrupt what is being imported. Buddhism is certainly no exception; in fact, among imported foreign goods, dharma is perhaps the most prone to corruption.
Initially, to understand dharma even on an intellectual level is not at all simple. Then once we have some understanding, to put dharma into practice is even more subtle, because it requires that we go beyond our habitual patterns. Intellectually, we may recognize how our narrow-minded habits have brought about our own cycle of suffering, but at the same time we may also be afraid to engage wholeheartedly in the process of liberating these habits of ours.
This is cherishing of ego. For even if we think we want to practice the Buddhist path, to give up our ego-clinging is not easy, and we could well end up with our own ego's version of dharma—a pseudo-dharma which will only bring more suffering instead of liberation.
For this reason, most Oriental teachers are very skeptical about exporting dharma to the Western world, feeling that Westerners lack the refinement and courage to understand and practice properly the buddhadharma. On the other hand there are some who try their best to work on the transmission of the dharma to the West.
It is important to remember that a thorough transplantation of dharma cannot be accomplished within a single generation. It is not an easy process, and as when Buddhism was brought from India to Tibet , it will undoubtedly take time. There are enormous differences between the attitudes of various cultures and different interpretations of similar phenomena. It is easy to forget that such supposedly universal notions as "ego," "freedom," "equality," "power," and the implications of "gender" and "secrecy," are all constructions that are culture-specific and differ radically when seen through different perspectives. The innuendoes surrounding a certain issue in one culture might not even occur to those of another culture, where the practice in question is taken for granted.
In recent years there have been numerous critiques of both the Buddhist teachings and certain Buddhist teachers. Unfortunately, these often reveal a serious degree of ignorance about the subject-matter. Many Tibetan lamas adopt the attitude that "it doesn't matter," because they genuinely don't mind such attacks. I think the perspective of many lamas is vaster than trying to keep track of the latest likes and dislikes of the fickle modern mind. Other Tibetan lamas adopt the attitude that Westerners are merely spiritual window-shopping, telling the younger lamas like myself, "See, we told you! They are not here for the dharma. For them, we are a mere curiosity." In an attempt to adopt a good motivation, I would like to propose some alternative perspectives.
Certain critiques of Buddhism actually enhance my devotion to the teachings and to my teachers, because I feel the dharma defies any such criticisms. But I also feel that some of these writings can be harmful in their effect. There may be many beings whose connection to the dharma is just about to ripen, and these writings can jeopardize their opportunity. In our life we encounter a multitude of obstacles and difficult circumstances. But the worst possible obstacle is to be prevented from engaging in an authentic path to enlightenment.
In this age, when people naively jump to conclusions based on the writings of those who try to warn about the hazards of guru-disciple relationships, such critiques may result in the tragic destruction for many people of their only chance of liberation from the ocean of suffering. In the sutras, it is stated that someone who rejoices even momentarily over something that leads to such a lost opportunity will not encounter the path of enlightenment for hundreds of lifetimes.
Generally, I think that when we want to expose a fault or present an opinion, two attributes are necessary: one should know the subject thoroughly, and one should not oneself have the faults that one is criticizing. Otherwise, one will be, as the Tibetan proverb describes, "a monkey who laughs at another monkey's tail." Let us not forget that as human beings we are victims of our own narrow-minded interpretations. We should not give so much authority to our limited points of view: our interpretations and subjective perspectives are limitless and almost always stem from our own fears, expectations and ignorance.
It would be of great amusement to many learned Tibetan scholars if they could read some of the presentations written by Westerners on such subjects as Buddhism or gurus. It is like imagining an old Tibetan lama reading Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet or listening to a beautiful aria. He would most probably think the former uninteresting and that the latter sounded like a cat being skinned alive!
It is better not to distort things with our limited interpretations at all, but if we have to, then at least we should be more aware of how powerful and one-sided our interpretations can be. For example, I could claim all kinds of things about the way that Westerners approach the study of Eastern cultures. I could easily put forward an interpretation, one that might seem entirely valid, that claims Western conceptual frameworks stem from a basic attitude of arrogance in the way that they construct themselves and others.
In almost all departments in Western universities that allegedly teach Buddhism, the teachers usually have to hide the fact if they happen to be Buddhists themselves. Do the mathematics teachers hide the fact that they believe in the logic of mathematics? Western scholars need to be more questioning about their own rigid biases that prevent them from being able to appreciate other perspectives. I find heartbreaking the imperialist attitude that arrogantly isolates one aspect of Eastern culture, analyzing it at a careful distance, manipulating and sterilizing it to fit Western agendas, and then perhaps concluding that it is now suitable for consumption.
Another example of the hypocrisy involved with this kind of attitude is the Western "benevolent" wish to "liberate" Eastern women from the clutches of what is imagined to be the oppressive tyranny of a misogynist system, resembling the Western missionaries wanting natives to adopt Christian morals and values. In the West, amongst other things, women are photographed naked and the pictures are published in magazines. Many other cultures would regard this as exceedingly embarrassing, as well as extremely exploitative and oppressive of women. So from their point of view, Western criticism of another culture for its subjugation of women is a highly contentious matter.
Surely no culture should claim to have the deep appreciation and understanding necessary to produce a thorough and justified critique of an important aspect of another's culture (especially when the topic is as sophisticated and complex as Buddhism) without having the humility to make the effort to accurately and deeply learn about that topic on that culture's own terms.
Sometimes it might help Westerners to develop more respect and appreciation for the East if they remember that 3,000 years ago, when the East was flourishing with philosophy, arts, languages and medicine, the Western natives still didn't have the idea to brush their own teeth! And in many cultures' perspectives, so-called Western science and technology has not really done much besides destroying the world's resources. Ideas such as democracy and capitalism, as well as equality and human rights, can be seen to have failed miserably in the West, and to be nothing but new dogmas.
I find it difficult to see the advantage of incorporating these limited Western value systems into an approach to the dharma. These certainly do not constitute the extraordinary realization Prince Siddhartha attained under the Bodhi tree 2,500 years ago. The West can analyze and criticize Tibetan culture, but I would be so thankful if they could have the humility and respect to leave the teachings of Siddhartha alone, or at least to study and practice them thoroughly before they set themselves up as authorities.
If people could put some effort into being respectful and open-minded, there is so much knowledge available that could liberate them from all kinds of suffering and confusion. It is only now that I have come to realize the significance of the great respect that the Tibetan translators and scholars of the past had toward India , their source of dharma and wisdom. Instead of being critical or even resentful of their source, they called it "The Sublime Land of India." This kind of attitude is very different from the Western shopping mentality that regards the dharma as merchandise and our own involvement as an investment—only wanting to accept what sits well with our habitual expectations and rejecting what we don't find immediately gratifying.
This is not to say that Westerners should not be critical of the Buddhist teachings. On the contrary, as the Lord Buddha himself said, "Without melting, beating, weighing and polishing a yellow substance, one should not take it for gold. Likewise, without analysis one should not accept the dharma as valid." Logical analysis has always been encouraged in the Buddhist tradition, and Buddhism has always challenged the promotion of blind faith.
The difference lies in the attitude you take towards the criticism. In the process of analyzing that "yellow substance," the analyzer must not only maintain an open mind, but also acknowledge that he/she may not have an adequate knowledge of the subject matter. That is the whole point of analysis. Otherwise we are just seeking confirmation of what we already believe. Being skeptical and seeking faults are two completely different things.
Nowhere is the difference between these two attitudes more obvious and more important than when it comes to criticisms of the guru in vajrayana Buddhism. Unfortunately, the guru is a must for vajrayana practice. However, all great masters and teachings repeatedly advise that one should always be skillful in checking the lama before one takes him as one's master. We have that option, and we should take advantage of it. It is vital to study the teachings extensively in order to be prepared to take on a teacher. In fact, some of the vajrayana scriptures mention that one should check a potential teacher for twelve years before becoming his student.
However, I think it is also important to remember that Buddhism is not only vajrayana. There are other paths such as Theravada, which is the foundation of all Buddhist paths. This is a straightforward path, which does not spark off all kinds of mystical expectations. What sometimes seems to happen is that people want to practice vajrayana because they see it as something exotic, when in fact they would be better off with the sanity and simplicity of the Theravada.
In vajrayana, in order to enable the guru to help us and work on our dualistic ego-centered preoccupations, we are supposed to think that the guru is no different in wisdom than the Buddha. This is the highest form of mind training. We are literally making a hero out of someone who, because he sees our potential, has no qualms about challenging and even abusing our narrow-minded and habitual patterns. This is a very radical, difficult and revolutionary method. From a conventional point of view, or from the point of view of ego-cherishing, the whole notion of the guru-disciple relationship is something almost criminal. Yet the point to remember is that the only purpose of the existence of the guru is to function as a skillful means to combat habits of dualistic conceptualizations, and to combat the tricks and tenacity of ego-clinging. In this way the guru is a living manifestation of the teachings.
It needs to be emphasized that it is our perception of the guru which enables the guru to function as a manifestation of the dharma. At first we see the guru as an ordinary person, and then as our practice develops we start to see the guru as more of an enlightened being, until finally we learn to recognize the guru as being nothing but an external manifestation of our own awakeness or buddhamind. In a subtle way then, it is almost irrelevant whether or not the teacher is enlightened. The guru-disciple relationship is not about worshipping a guru, but providing the opportunity to liberate our confused perceptions of reality.
Looking at it from the teacher's point of view, if someone assumes the role of a teacher without being qualified, the negativity of this deception obviously will remain within their mindstream. It is important to understand that unless a lama is completely enlightened, he or she must carry the burden of what they do. Obviously, if he is an enlightened being, he has no karma, but if not, the consequences of his actions will come to him; his actions are his responsibility. From our point of view as students, if we have chosen him as our teacher, we should just learn from him, according to whatever path we wish to follow.
The principle of guru and devotion is much more complicated than creating a role model and worshipping him or her. Devotion, when you really analyze it, is nothing more than trusting the logic of cause and effect. If you cook an egg, putting it in boiling water, you trust the egg will be boiled. That trust is devotion. It is not blind faith or insistence on the illogical. The Buddha said, "Do not rely on the individual, rely on the teaching." Yet it seems that we nonetheless decide to continue judging individual teachers without remembering the wider perspective and context of the purpose of the teachings.
One issue that can be controversial, and which has attracted a great deal of attention, is that in the vajrayana pleasure such as sex is not rejected as a threat to spiritual practice, but rather is used to enhance spiritual purification. While this may sound fascinating, it is important to remember that such practice requires an immense theoretical and practical grounding, without which, when viewed from the outside, it is easily misinterpreted.
Vajrayana male-female symbolism is not about sex. The practice can only exist in context of a correct view of the unity of compassion and wisdom. Furthermore, as the tantric path works on a personal and non-conceptual level, it is not possible to make judgments about a practitioner. Tantra transcends completely the conventional idea of a man and women having a sexual relationship. It is about working with phenomena to bring about the extraordinary realization of emptiness and bodhicitta in order to liberate all beings from samsara. To expect a yogin or yogini, who is aspiring to go beyond the chauvinism of the confused mind, to worry about sexual rights issues seems absurd in the context of such a vast view.
Yet for the neophyte Westerner, certain Tibetan traditions must be very annoying, and seem sexist or male chauvinist. Western perspectives on sexual relationships emphasize "equality," yet this is very different from what is meant by equality in vajrayana Buddhism. Where equality in the West stands for two aspects reaching equal footing, in vajrayana Buddhism equality is going beyond "twoness" or duality all together.
If duality remains, then by definition there can be no equality. I think social equality between men and women is less important than realizing the equality between samsara and nirvana which, after all, is the only true way to engender a genuine understanding of equality. Thus the understanding of equality in vajrayana Buddhism is on a very profound level.
The notion of sexual equality is quite new in the West, and because of this there is a certain rigid and fanatic adherence to the specific way it should be practiced. In vajrayana Buddhism, on the other hand, there is a tremendous appreciation of the female, as well as a strong emphasis on the equality of all beings. This might not, however, be apparent to someone who cannot see beyond a contemporary Western framework. As a result, when Western women have sexual relationships with Tibetan lamas, some might be frustrated when their culturally conditioned expectations are not met.
If anyone thinks they could have a pleasing and equal lover in a Rinpoche, they couldn't be more incorrect. Certain Rinpoches, those known as great teachers, would by definition be the ultimate bad partner, from ego's point of view. If one approaches such great masters with the intention of being gratified and wishing for a relationship of sharing, mutual enjoyment etc., then not only from ego's point of view, but even from a mundane point of view, such people would be a bad choice. They probably will not bring you flowers or invite you out for candlelit dinners.
Anyway, if someone goes to study under a master with the intention to achieve enlightenment, one must presume that such a student is ready to give up his or her ego. You don't go to India and study with a venerable Tibetan master expecting him to behave according to your own standards. It is unfair to ask someone to free you from delusion, and then criticize him or her for going against your ego. I am not writing this out of fear that if one doesn't defend Tibetan lamas or Buddhist teachers, they will lose popularity. Despite a lot of effort to convince the world about the pitfalls of the dharma and the defects of the teachers, there will still be a lot of masochists who have the misfortune to appreciate the dharma and a crazy abusing teacher who will make sure to mistreat every inch of ego. These poor souls will eventually end up bereft of both ego and confusion.
I know there are plenty of people who will disagree with much of what I have said. For as much as I am set on my interpretations, so are others set on theirs. I have met great teachers whom I admire enormously and although I may be a doomed sycophant, I pray I will continue to enjoy the company of these teachers. On the other hand, people may have other ideas and be happy with them. My practice is devotion to the Buddhist path; others may chose doubting the Buddhist path. But as Dharmakirti said, ultimately we must abandon the path. So I hope in the end we will meet where we have nothing to fight over.
Mind's ultimate nature, emptiness endowed with vividness,
I was told is the real Buddha.
Recognizing this should help me
Not to be stuck with thoughts of hierarchy.

Mind's ultimate nature, its emptiness aspect,
I was told is the real Dharma.
Recognizing this should help me
Not to be stuck with thoughts of political correctness.

Mind's ultimate nature, its vivid aspect,
I was told is the real Sangha.
Recognizing this should help me
Not to be stuck with thoughts of equal rights.

One cannot disassociate emptiness from vividness.
This inseparability I was told is the Guru.
Recognizing this should help me
Not to be stuck with depending on chauvinist lamas.

This nature of mind has never been stained by duality,
This stainlessness I was told is the deity.
Recognizing this should help me
Not to be stuck with the categories of "gender" or "culture."

This nature of mind is spontaneously present.
That spontaneity I was told is the dakini aspect.
Recognizing this should help me
Not to be stuck with fear of being sued.
—Dzongsar Khyentse Rinpoche
Dzongsar Jamyang Khyentse Rinpoche is a student of Khenpo Appey Rinpoche and is responsible for the education of approximately 1,600 monks distributed between six monasteries and institutes in Asia . He is the founder of several dharma centers in the west and three nonprofit organizations: Siddhartha's Intent, Khyentse Foundation and Lotus Outreach. He is the director of the films The Cup and Travellers & Magicians.


Real Gurus “Couldn't care less”
The dilemma of an Eastern master in a postmodern world
An interview with Dzongsar Jamyang Khyentse Rinpoche by Andrew Cohen

安德魯·寇涵(Andrew Cohen)對宗薩蔣揚欽哲仁波切的專訪

Enlighten Next Magazine: Issue 31, December 2005–February 2006
Enlighten Next雜誌第31期,2005年12月-2006年2月

The enlightened mentor—the guru—has throughout the ages been that great being who willingly does battle with the powerful forces of ignorance that reside in the depths of the human soul. Through his or her living presence, the guru catalyzes extraordinary transformation, guiding human beings from darkness to light, from the limitations of a small and petty existence to the free and infinite expanses of illuminated awareness. Few modern teachers are as qualified to claim the title of guru as Dzongsar Jamyang Khyentse Rinpoche, heir to a long and illustrious lineage of enlightened Buddhist masters. In this recent interview with spiritual teacher and WIE editor in chief Andrew Cohen, Dzongsar Rinpoche candidly discusses what it takes to fulfill his role as guru and explains why the greatest challenge, East or West, is to have the courage to completely disengage from public opinion and attain “a genuine indifference.”

ANDREW COHEN: You are uniquely straddling two worlds: you were born a tulku and had traditional Buddhist education and training in your own culture, but you have spent a lot of time in the West and have also become a well-known filmmaker. So you seem to have one foot in the premodern world and one foot in the postmodern world. You are quite an independent thinker, forging your own path as one of the pioneers in this very interesting time of transition in the evolution and development of the dharma, of East-meets-West spirituality. So I would like to talk with you about what it means to be a guru at this point in history.

When someone takes on a guru, as is clearly illustrated in Words of My Perfect Teacher, it's a deep and serious engagement. And in the film, you speak very directly about the challenge that relationship poses to the ego, to the separate sense of self. The guru represents the dissolution of the ego, and yet Westerners of our generation, more often than not, don't seem to be prepared for this. And while you have said that there are many different methods for finding enlightenment, for discovering “the guru within,” one of the quickest and easiest is to receive the blessings of the teacher. Why is this? What actually is the role of the guru, and why is it so vital?

DZONGSAR Rinpoche: The reason why the guru is the most effective is because the guru is someone you are supposed to look at as being superior to a human being. But he is also someone you can relate to. A guru is someone who eats pizza, who likes the same pizza that you like. And that's quite important because at the same time that he is someone you can relate to, he is the one you have consciously or unconsciously hired to destroy yourself!

COHEN: Could you say what you mean by that?

DZONGSAR: You give up everything and then hire him to destroy your ego. And you pay him body, speech, and mind to do that.

COHEN: When you say, “destroy the ego,” that's not a small thing.

DZONGSAR: Yes. That's true.

COHEN: And as we were saying earlier, it seems that the destruction of the ego is an alien concept in postmodern Western culture, which is a nonreligious secular society. In fact, it seems that in postmodern culture, the ego, or the separate self-sense, has become even more powerful as a result of the cultural revolution that began in the sixties. At that time, the emphasis became freedom of the individual and freedom for the individual. And the result is that, unlike in previous times, there was no God above that one had to fear, which in the past had perhaps engendered humility, a bit of healthy fear of something higher than oneself.
寇涵: 如同我們稍早所說的,摧毀自我在後現代的西方文化裡似乎是個外來的觀念,後現代的西方文化是個非宗教性的世俗社會。事實上,似乎在後現代文化中,由於六〇年代開始的文化上的革命,自我、或視自身為分離的想法已經變得更爲强大。那個時候所强調的是個人的自由以及為個人而有的自由。不同於過往,其結果是上方沒有必須懼怕的上帝。在過去,對高於自己的某個東西具有一點健康的畏懼,可能激發了謙卑。

So when we in the West discovered enlightenment and then found that in order to attain it, the ego, or the separate self, had to die, this was a very big shock because culturally we had no training or preparation for this whatsoever. Now in the film, Words of My Perfect Teacher, you speak about how you hire the guru to be the assassin, the man or woman you hire to “completely dismantle you.” But how does a teacher succeed in “dismantling” their students' egos in this kind of cultural milieu?

DZONGSAR: It's difficult. This is why defining ego is very important, especially within a culture that doesn't have this kind of background. And I think the classic way of defining the ego is, at the end of the day, the only solution: Ignorance—which is the same as ego—is when you're looking at two, or more than two, ever-changing transitory things, and yet you think that they're one; you think they're independent and permanent. That is ignorance and that is ego.

For instance, if I look at my hand, I make three mistakes. One, I think it's the same hand I had this morning. But that's not true; it has changed. And two, I think there's something called “hand” when there actually isn't because it's a part of a lot of things—my veins, my skin, my blood, all kinds of things.

COHEN: So the point is that there's no such thing as independent existence.

DZONGSAR: Right. And then another mistake I make is not realizing that the existence of my hand actually depends on many things. For instance, the fact that the ceiling hasn't fallen on my hand is the reason why it's moving, why it's there. But I don't think in that way. I think my hand is there because my hand is there.

COHEN: You're talking about what is called “dependent origination,” the understanding that everything that exists depends upon everything else that exists, which depends upon everything else that exists. In this, one sees that one's own self exists as part of this infinitely dependent process in which there is no one who is isolated or separate from the whole.

DZONGSAR: Yes, and all this information needs to be transmitted to one who wants to be the victim of the guru.

COHEN: In the movie, you also spoke about how the guru crushes people's pride, as the means to purify them of ego motivations and attachment.

DZONGSAR: Yes, because pride is thinking something that is not necessarily you. For instance, if I asked you, “Are you a man?” you would say, “Yes.” That is confidence, not pride. Now, if I ask, “Are you a superman?” and you say, “Yes,” that may be pride because “super” is only an adjective, and is not imputed. Pride, ego, and ignorance are all synonymous.

COHEN: And you said that the teacher who “crushes your pride and makes this worldly life completely miserable is something that you ask for. He is the assassin, he is the man or woman whom you have hired to completely dismantle you.”

DZONGSAR: You may not realize that's what you're doing, but that's the idea—to dismantle everything: your identity, everything. And it's not like dismantling one big habit. It changes. Let's say today I would like to be stroked. Then a teacher should not stroke me. Or maybe today I would like to be beaten. Then maybe I should be stroked. So that's why this is actually beyond abuse and not abuse. If somebody bites you or beats you and handcuffs you, that's a kind of abuse, isn't it? But what I'm talking about is ultimate abuse. At the same time, abuse phenomena only exist if you are still clinging to transitory phenomena as permanent and real. If you don't, there is nothing to be abused. But that's difficult, really difficult.

COHEN: In that case, the teacher's work would be done.

DZONGSAR: Yes, of course. But the kind of student we're talking about doesn't exist. And that kind of teacher doesn't exist, either. Teachers don't have that kind of courage. I don't have it. I may be a teacher, but I don't have that kind of courage because I love my reputation. Who wants to be referred to as an abuser? I don't. I am a sycophant. I try to go along with what people think. If people think a teacher should shave his head, wear something maroon, walk gently, eat only vegetarian food, be so-called serene, then I'm very tempted to do that. Rajneesh had the guts to have ninety-three Rolls Royces. I call it guts. One Rolls Royce is one thing. Even two or three—but ninety-three is guts! And I don't have the guts, the confidence. I like Rajneesh very much. I like him much better than Krishnamurti. Many of his words are quite good, and I can see why the Westerners would like him.
仁波切:對,當然。但是我們說的那種學生並不存在, 那種 老師也不存在。老師沒有那種勇氣。我就沒有。我也 許是個 老師,但是我沒有那種勇氣,因爲我愛我的名聲。誰想被指為施虐者呢?我可不想。我是個媚俗的人,試著跟從人們的想法。如果人們認爲老師應該剃光頭、穿絳紅色衣衫、慢步、吃素、是所謂沉靜的,那麽我就很想那樣做。拉傑尼希(Rajneesh,即奧修)有膽擁有九十三輛勞思萊思,我稱那為有膽量。一輛勞思萊思――甚至兩、三輛,那是一回事,但九十三輛,是膽量!而我並無那種膽量、自信。我非常喜歡拉傑尼希,我喜歡他遠勝過喜歡克里希那穆提(Krishnamurti)。拉傑尼希說的很多話都相當好,我看得出來爲什麽西方人會喜歡他。

COHEN: Perhaps the problem with Krishnamurti was that he pretended that he wasn't a guru or a master, although he obviously was. I think this made it very difficult for people.

DZONGSAR: Yes; it was a contradiction.

COHEN: Are you saying, then, that you hold back with your students?

DZONGSAR: I do, always.

COHEN: At the same time, you said in the film that you're an assassin—that that's your job.

DZONGSAR: Yes, in the context that if I am a student's teacher, then that is my job. But I'm not promising I can do it. You know, but I love very much the eight worldly dharmas. I'm like these police undercover cops who are sent into a Mafia family. What I'm supposed to do is really check out these people, but I fall in love with what they do, so I follow what they want. It's difficult. And that comes from attachment to the eight worldly dharmas—attachment to the praise and fear of the criticism.

COHEN: But some of the greatest Tibetan gurus have the reputation for being the most fierce, like Marpa, for example. He was the fiercest.

DZONGSAR: Oh, yes, of course. They could do it because they have no agenda. Their only agenda was to enlighten. They didn't care what people said, what other people thought—I call it CCL: couldn't-care-less-ness. That holds the biggest power. But who has it today? No one.

COHEN: One of the most interesting things that were revealed about you in the film was the juxtaposition of the roles you're playing. As a guru in the West, you are working with Western students who, at least in theory, are coming to you for enlightenment, and yet who come from this postmodern context where there's an inherent mistrust of authority. Whereas in Bhutan , thousands and thousands of Bhutanese people have no doubt that you are a living god.

DZONGSAR: I think on both continents I have mastered the art of pretense. I go to Bhutan and I know what to do for them, to do what is most harmonious. Because if I act or say things in Bhutan or in Tibet that I say in the West, I'll be in trouble. Now that is what I was referring to before. I do this because I don't want to lose disciples; I don't want to be criticized. Of course, I can justify those actions by saying, “Oh, it's coming from a good motivation, because I don't want to jeopardize the spiritual path of hundreds of people.”
仁波切:我想我在兩塊大陸 (PS:亞洲和美洲) 都僞裝得很好。我去不丹時,知道要爲他們做什麼,知道做什麼是最和諧的。因爲假如我在不丹或西藏做或說我在西方說的東西,我會陷入麻煩。那就是我先前所指的,我這樣做是因爲我不想喪失弟子,我不想受批評。當然,我能夠合理化這些行爲,說是:「哦,它起於一個善良的動機,因爲我不想要危害數百人的修道。」

COHEN: You described in the film how it's very difficult for you to have an authentic relationship with many of your Bhutanese devotees because of the kind of admiration they have for you. But with your Western students, there is the fundamental ego position that feels that “no one is higher than me.” And this also presents difficulty, because for any authentic guru to be able to help a student achieve enlightenment, there has to be the acceptance from the outset that the guru has realized something that the student has not yet realized. Then, of course, there's the tremendous pressure the teacher places on the ego and the student's identification with it. And in Words of My Perfect Teacher, Lesley Ann Patten showed very well how many of your Western students were struggling with these very issues—with the notions of hierarchy and authority, and even with their lack of faith in the possibility of enlightenment itself.

DZONGSAR: Yes, exactly. But in both cultures there is one thing that is similar—it's this culprit: expectation. In Eastern cultures, like in Bhutan , there may be blind devotion, but they all have an expectation. In the Western culture, they may be skeptical and secular, but there's also expectation. And that expectation, while it may manifest differently, fundamentally has only one nature and that is that everybody wants to be happy. And that is where things go wrong.

To be a Buddhist and to be practicing dharma have nothing to do with being happy. If you're practicing the dharma to be happy, then it's like you're doing the opposite, just the opposite. Enlightenment has nothing to do with happiness or unhappiness. And both cultures come to me to be happy. That really is the source of all the misunderstanding.

COHEN: Yes. The goal is to be free from both happiness and unhappiness.

DZONGSAR: Yes, and I have to teach them what to expect. But it's really difficult.

COHEN: The fact that you are in these two different cultures seems to make it challenging for you to be simply and authentically yourself. Because on the one hand, in Bhutan , there is a certain role you need to assume, which you've accepted—that's your dharma, your destiny. But there are restrictions associated with that premodern context. And in the West, because of the postmodern secular context, there are also restrictions. So your own capacity to just be fully and spontaneously yourself, even as a teacher or as a guru, must be inhibited in both cases. Could you speak a little bit about this?

DZONGSAR: This is a very good question. It all goes to tell me that the bottom line is that I need to develop my courage, the courage to learn CCL—“couldn't-care-less-ness.” In the morning, with a little bit of good motivation, I can start teaching. That will accumulate some merit, I'm sure. At least I'm not going around teaching people to blow themselves up or kill infidels. And even teaching I only do when I'm in a spiritual mood. But my job now, my duty is to first develop my “couldn't-care-less-ness.” The bottom line is that I need to learn that; I need to achieve that. Then, even if I receive bad publicity in the West, I couldn't care less. Once I achieve that, then I'll reach a certain level where real genuine compassion is. Until then, everything is a bit deceptive.

~ Bella中譯,Serena 2009/11/14初校,11/24初PO,若有錯誤敬請指正。