2016年5月1日 星期日


Begin the training sequence with yourself ~ Dilgo Khyentse Rinpoche

We should think like this: 'May all the torments destined for me in the future, the heat and cold of the hells and the hunger and thirst of the famished spirits, come to me now. And may all the karma, obscuration and defilement causing beings to fall into an infernal destiny sink into my heart so that I myself might go to hell instead of them. May the suffering of others, the fruit, as the teachings say, of their desire and ignorance, come to me.’ We should train ourselves like this again and again until we have such signs as that of Maitriyogin, who was wounded in the place where the stone had hit the dog.


Bodhichitta, the mind of enlightenment, is the heart of all the practices of the Sutra and Mantrayana, and it is easy to implement. If one has it, everything is complete, and nothing is complete without it. At this present time, you are receiving many teachings on mind—training from different teachers. Keep them in your hearts! When they are translated, I hope that you will understand and remember them. For this is indeed the Dharma.


– Dilgo Khyentse Rinpoche
Dilgo Khyentse Rinpoche on the web: http://shechen.org/
~ from the book "Enlightened Courage: An Explanation of the Seven-Point Mind Training"
~ 引用頂果欽哲仁波切《覺醒的勇氣:阿底峽之修心七要 》英譯本

[PS: 本書已有賴聲川老師的中譯本,於此重譯是為了讓 (1) 小組志工練習筆譯  (2) 大眾再次閱讀這個重點,同時有中英對照的機會)  

~ 普賢法譯小組Emilia, Sarita, Jil中譯,Serena完稿於2016/5/1。祈願一切有情開啟各自的修心次第!

