2016年2月11日 星期四


The Big Spider in the Middle of the Web ~ Tenzin Palmo



So the whole Buddhist path on one level can be a way of understanding how to loosen and eventually drop our desperate grasping at this sense of me. Right there at the center of the universe and definitely the big spider in the middle of the web that we are all weaving. Which we imagine if we can only keep satisfied, if we can only please, if we can only keep feeling that it’s worthwhile, we will be happy. And not recognizing that that is the cause of all our suffering.


~普賢法譯小組Iris & Sarita翻譯校對,Serena完稿於2016.02.11 藏曆神變月(正月)初三,願一切有情能鬆綁輪迴網中的大蜘蛛!


