2014年5月5日 星期一


宗薩欽哲仁波切最新影音開示 (5/6 的影片中將有仁波切出現)

Interdependent Origination (Kuala Lumpur, 2014)

  • 3 週前

    New Publication

    Parting from the Four Attachments Commentary

    New Podcasts

    It Depends, New York City, 2014

    Interdependent Origination, Kuala Lumpur, 2014

    Seeking is More Important than Finding, Singapore, 2014

    New Recorded Teachings

    The Way of the Bodhisattva, Deer Park, 2013

    The Rain of Wisdom - Foreward, Halifax, 2013

Get ready for Tuesday May 6th, the roll out of a new video on 84000, one of our sister organizations. And here's a prompt from its founder:
I'm fortunate to have the merit to play a small role in serving 84000: Translating the Words of the Buddha . Join me coming Tuesday, May 6th, to support 84000's 24-hour video campaign on Facebook (www.facebook.com/Translate84000) and Twitter (www.twitter.com/Translate84000)
請看說明:24小時的影片分享活動 (臉書和推特):http://serena-lotus.blogspot.tw/2014/05/56-9pm-24.html

84000 Launches A New Video!

We are excited to announce that today, when the Buddha’s birthday is celebrated in many Asian countries, we launched a new video to engage the general public and extend the message of our mission! This brief animation, voiced by Russell Brand, shows us why we need to translate these texts and what we at 84000 are doing to make this happen. Read more

To expand the viral reach of our video, we have enacted a 24-hour “US$1 for every Retweet/Facebook Share” through the generosity of our sponsors. We need your help toRetweet or Share today:

Do a Facebook SHARE and RETWEET now!


56,農曆四月初八佛誕日這天晚上9點開始,在中文網站84000.co/ch將發佈一個中文視頻短片。 這部2分鐘的視頻短片,由好萊塢著名製作人John Solomon主導創意,加拿大的Giant Ant Studio設計,文字稿由賴聲川、姚仁喜和王菁瑛參與編寫。祈願更多人瞭解84000的使命和翻譯佛典的重要性,共同護持佛法!

這部2分鐘的視頻短片,由好萊塢著名製作人John Solomon主導創意,加拿大的Giant Ant Studio設計,著名歌手/演員李宇春義務旁白,文字稿由賴聲川、姚仁喜和王菁瑛參與編寫。祈願更多人能瞭解84000的使命和翻譯佛典的重要性,共同護持佛法!

