The back of the Vajradhara thangka showing the Karmapa's handprints
The Karmapa's Golden Handprints
十六世大寶法王1980年最後一次訪美期間,在香巴拉中心主要金剛持唐卡的背面,以金汁手印作為灌頂開光。目前這幅唐卡掛在香巴拉山林中心的法身大塔中。(請點選文末連結,可看到當時的照片)During his final visit to Boulder in 1980, His Holiness the 16th Karmapa empowered the Shambhala Center's central Vajradhara thangka with his golden handprints. In this vintage Chronicles article from 2008, Clarke Warren talks about the significance of this thangka and of the Karmapa's handprint empowerment. The Vajradhara of Dorje Dzong now hangs in the Great Stupa of Dharmakaya at Shambhala Mountain Center. Please also see this article by Lindy King: Installation of the Vajradhara thangka in The Great Stupa of Dharmakaya
The Great Vajradhara of Dorje Dzong