Shechen facebook Nov 27 quote:
"We call the teacher and
the Buddha 'The Torch of the Universe,' for their teaching dispels the darkness
of ignorance of all beings. Without their profound instructions, beings will
remain trapped in the darkness of not knowing what to do and what to avoid. If
that brilliant torch of dharma is extinguished, knowledge will inevitably
die." Kyabje Dilgo Khyentse Rinpoche.
~普賢法譯小組(Samantabhadra Translating Group)Emilia翻譯 / Sharleen一校 / Jampa二校 / Serena於2015.01.20貼網,願一切有情速入佛道、速證佛果!願所有行者發心清淨、利益廣大!May everyone enjoy a very
happy and auspicious New Year!