2014年3月28日 星期五



Siddhartha's Intent International | Facebook

去這網站 》》http://www.itdepends-inc.org/about.html,然後看到下面的畫面,再按紅色的喇叭,就能聽到仁波切在馬來西亞緣起咒開示

Audio recording of DJKR's Teachings on The Mantra of Interdependent Origination, Malaysia, March 2014http://itdepends-inc.org/about.html


IT DEPENDS goes live

Rinpoche's Losar 2014 wish is for the global sangha to accumulate 100 million recitations of the mantra of interdependentdependentarising over the next 12 months In the past couple of weeks, participants from all over the world have reported their counts on a weekly basis to the worldwide representatives.

As of March 23, 2014, a total of 8,181,935 mantras have been accumulated.

A web site dedicated to this aspiration - www.itdepends-inc.org - has been newly launched. Also included on this web site, please find a recording of Rinpoche’s latest teaching in Malaysia on this mantra.http://itdepends-inc.org/about.html

Please visit www.itdepends-inc.org to keep updated on the latest accumulated figure and other related information.

Happy chanting

