照片: 怙主頂果欽哲仁波切與侄子奇美仁波切,攝於英國Kham Tibetan House。感謝奇美仁波切提供照片
Nov 7, 2014
"Each time we perform even a slight positive deed,
such as a single recitation of the six-syllable mantra of Chenrezi, the Buddha
of Compassion, we should think that our intention is to liberate all sentient
beings from the ocean of samsara. When we do even a slight negative deed, if we
do not confess it, how can we liberate sentient beings from samsara?"
Kyabje Dilgo Khyentse Rinpoche.
「每當我們行持善法—即使是如念誦一次大悲觀音菩薩六字真言這麼微小的善法,都應當以解脫一切有情眾生出離輪迴海為發心。而當我們行持不善法時,就算極其之微,若是不作懺悔,要如何能解脫有情眾生出離輪迴呢?」— 怙主頂果欽哲仁波切
Photo: Kyabje Rinpoche and his nephew, Chime Rinpoche, at Kham Tibetan House, England. Courtesy of Chime Rinpoche.When we do even a slight negative deed, if we do not confess it, how can we liberate sentient beings from samsara?" Kyabje Dilgo Khyentse RinpocheWhen we do even a slight negative deed, if we do not confess it, how can we liberate sentient beings from samsara?" Kyabje Dilgo Khyentse Rinpoche
~普賢法譯小組(Samantabhadra Translating Group)Jampa Chodron翻譯 / Serena校對 / 2014.11.18貼網,願一切有情速入佛道、速證佛果!