2014年11月18日 星期二

就像天鵝滑向蓮花池 般的喜悅接受所有痛苦吧!

「為了修持佛法,你有可能得要忍受疾病、遭受寒熱或饑渴之苦。不過,既然這些短暫的痛苦能幫助你清淨過去所造的惡業,從長遠的觀點來說,則能達至究竟佛果,那麼,就像天鵝滑向蓮花池 般的喜悅接受所有痛苦吧!」~~怙主頂果欽哲仁波切開示

"In order to be able to practice Dharma, it may happen that you have to endure illness, or suffer from heat, cold, hunger or thirst. But since these short-term sufferings will help you purify your past negative actions and, in the long term, to reach ultimate buddhahood, accept them with joy, like a swan gliding into a lotus pond!" Kyabje DIlgo Khyentse Rinpoche.

原始出處:Dilgo Khyentse Fellowship - Shechen

