2016年1月27日 星期三

通往淨土的階梯:揚唐仁波切淨土開示集 (佛陀教育基金會印贈)


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當代108藏密大師簡介:Yangthang Rinpoche 揚唐仁波切 

Domang Yangthang Rinpoche (Tib. མདོ་མང་གཡང་ཐང་རིན་པོ་ཆེ་, Wyl. mdo mang g.yang thang rin po che) Kunzang Jikme Dechen Ösal Dorje (b. 1929) was born on the tenth day of the eleventh month of the earth-snake year (1929) in Yangthang in western Sikkim. His father, Pema Drodül, was from Dzogchen in East Tibet and his mother was Tenzin Chödrön, the daughter of Yangthang Ating from the family of Oyuk Drakar. At an early age, following miraculous indications, he was recognized as one of the two incarnations of Tertön Dorje Dechen Lingpa of Domang Monastery in East Tibet, himself an incarnation of Lhatsün Namkha Jikmé.

多芒揚唐仁波切(Domang Yangthang Rinpoche),昆桑吉美德千歐薩多傑(Kunzang Jikme Dechen Ösal Dorje),土蛇年(1929年)十一月十日生於錫金西部的揚唐(Yangthang)。父親貝瑪卓杜(Pema Drodül)來自東藏的佐欽(Dzogchen),母親丹增確諄(Tenzin Chödrön)是歐玉札卡(Oyuk Drakar)家族揚唐阿廷(Yangthang Ating)的女兒。幼年時,隨著神奇徵兆的顯示,他被認證為東藏多芒寺(Domang Monastery)伏藏師多傑德千林巴(Tertön Dorje Dechen Lingpa)的兩位化身之一,他自己則是拉尊南卡吉美(Lhatsün Namkha Jikmé)的化身。

In 1942 he travelled to Domang Monastery, where he began his studies there with Domang Soktrul Rinpoche, the principal disciple of his previous incarnation. He also received teachings from Dzakha Lama Tsulo, who was a khenpo at Domang, and from Palyul Khenpo Kunzang Özer, Rahor Dzogtrul Rinpoche, and Washul Kuchen Thupten Chökyi Wangchuk.

1942年,仁波切前往多芒寺跟隨前世的主要弟子多芒索楚仁波切(Domang Soktrul Rinpoche)開始學習,並從多芒寺的堪布雜卡喇嘛促羅(Dzakha Lama Tsulo)、白玉堪布昆桑歐瑟(Palyul Khenpo Kunzang Özer)、惹霍佐初仁波切(Rahor Dzogtrul Rinpoche)、瓦蘇古千圖登確吉旺秋(Washul Kuchen Thupten Chökyi Wangchuk)領受教法。

In 1959, when the Communist Chinese invaded Tibet, Rinpoche left Domang, but was later captured and imprisoned for twenty-two years. After his eventual release in 1981, he returned to Domang to find his monastery completely dismantled. He then obtained permission to return to Sikkim, where he has lived ever since. Following his return to Sikkim he received a number of important teachings and transmissions from Dilgo Khyentse Rinpoche, Dodrupchen Rinpoche and Penor Rinpoche.
In the winter of 2010-2011 he bestowed the entire Rinchen Terdzö in California at the invitation of Gyatrul Rinpoche.

1959年,當中共入侵西藏時,仁波切離開多芒寺,但後來被捕而遭囚禁了二十二年,直到1981年才獲釋。當他返回多芒寺,發現祖寺已經全數毀壞,便提出返回故鄉錫金的要求並獲得批准。回到錫金之後,從頂果欽哲仁波切(Dilgo Khyentse Rinpoche)、多竹千仁波切(Dodrupchen Rinpoche,多智欽仁波切)、貝諾仁波切(Penor Rinpoche)領受不少重要的教法和口傳。
2010至2011年冬天,揚唐仁波切在加州應嘉初仁波切(Gyatrul Rinpoche)之邀,賜予大眾整部《大寶伏藏》(Rinchen Terdzö)的灌頂。


