Preface for the Chinese translation of "The Light of Wisdom" Vol I & II
The Buddha turned the Wheel of the Dharma three times and illuminated 84,000 different teachings gearing towards sentient beings of different faculties. That does not mean that there are 84,000 distinct paths leading to 84,000 different fruits of result. The end result is only one and that is Enlightenment.
With the help of one’s Guru, a practitioner on the path should know how to integrate the essence of these 84,000 instructions within his or her practice. This is very important - otherwise you will think that you are walking towards your destination but in fact you are walking in the opposite direction or else taking the long bumpy road. That is why some teachings mention that in order to be enlightened it will take many lifetimes of practice. While there are others which state that enlightenment is possible within one lifetime or even in a few years time period - but that is if you are fortunate enough to have chosen the right path and the right direction.
After meeting Lotsawa Rinchen Zangpo, Jowo Atisha thought that it was not necessary for him to be in Tibet when a great scholar like Lotsawa Rinchen Zangpo was already in the country. Jowo Atisha asked Lotsawa Rinchen Zangpo how one can implement all the teachings elucidated by the Buddha in one’s practice. Lotsawa Rinchen Zangpo answered that an individual should practice the different teachings following their separate discrete instructions. To this Jowo Atisha responded that the Lotsawa was wrong saying that of all the different teachings one has to integrate the necessary ones and bring them onto a single path since the end result is one. If the response made by a great scholar was erroneous what about us in this age of defilement? For today’s practitioner this is the major problem that many are stumbling upon- not knowing how to integrate these pith instructions within one’s personal practice.
It is due to the immense kindness of Tibet’s Dharma King Trisong Duetsen that we have in our time, an already integrated teaching- spoken directly by Guru Padmasambhava himself. While at the temple complex of the Glorious Samye, the Dharma king Trisong Duetsen together with his retinue of his sons and Vairotsana supplicated Guru Padmasambhava to bestow a pith instruction meant for the future sentient beings of the Time of Degeneration. To this plea Guru Padmasambhava gave them the teaching of the Lamrim Yeshe Nyingpo. The Lamrim Yeshe Nyingpo covers the entire Buddhist path to Enlightenment especially that of the inner Vajrayana. This is the heart essence of Guru Padmasambhava’s ultimate advice- easy to comprehend and observe.
Now the Chinese translation of this teaching and its commentary is available, may it be widely distributed among the Chinese-spoken people as well as benefit all sentient beings!
A Humble Subject of Padma,
Neten Chokling
◎文/涅頓.秋林仁波切 佛陀三轉法輪,乃依照有情眾生的不同根器而宣說八萬四千種不同的教法,這並不表示,有八萬四千種截然相異的道路會帶來八萬四千種不同的結果。它們最終的結果只有一個,就是證悟。 藉由上師的協助,修道的行者應該要知道,如何將此八萬四千教言的精要與自己的修持相融。這一點相當重要,否則你就會以為自己正朝向目標邁進,但實際上卻是反其道而行,或是走上又長又崎嶇的路途。這也就是為何有些法教提及:若想求取證悟,必須修持多生多世。其他的法教則說;即身成佛是可能的,甚至是,想在幾年之內證悟也可以——前提是,你要有足夠的福報,以選擇正確的道路和正確的方向。 阿底峽尊者在遇到仁千桑波譯師之後,認為自己沒必要繼續留在西藏,因為那裡已有仁千桑波譯師這類大學者了。於是阿底峽尊者向仁千桑波譯師問道:「行者要如何實修佛陀所闡釋的一切法教呢?」仁千桑波譯師答道:「應當依各別差異的教言,修持各自不同的法教。」阿底峽尊者認為這位譯師的看法有誤,便回應道:「對於種種不同的法教,行者必須將其精要內容加以整合,並融入於單一道途,因為其結果只有一個。」若是連大學者都答錯,更何況我們這些處於五濁惡世的人呢?對於今日的行者來說,這可是許多人蹣跚難行的主要問題所在——就因為不知道如何將這些精要教言整合入自己的修持之中。 由於藏王赤松德貞的大慈大愛,我們現在方能擁有一部已然整合的教法,而且是由蓮師親口開示的。當時於吉祥桑耶寺的廟群中,藏王赤松德貞、諸位太子眷眾,以及毗盧遮那譯師,共同祈請蓮師賜予能利益後代五濁惡世有情眾生的精要教言,蓮師應此請求而給予了《道次第.智慧藏》(Lamrim Yeshe Nyingpo,道次第智慧精要)的法教。此一法教涵蓋了完整的成佛修道,特別是金剛乘三內密的部分。這是蓮師究竟教言的心要所在,容易理解又方便依循。 如今,該法教和釋論內容的中譯版已然發行,願能於華人世界廣傳,利益一切有情! 蓮師的謙卑子民 涅頓.秋林 書于西元2013年7月18日 蓮華生大士誕辰日(藏曆六月初十) 內容簡介
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