2014年4月19日 星期六

「84000佛典傳譯計畫」84000:Translating the Words of the Buddha 推出完整中文網站!


由宗薩欽哲仁波切擔任主席並有眾多上師共同發起的84000典傳譯計畫84000Translating the Words of the Buddha 推出完整中文網站!www.84000.co/ch




84000: Translating the Words of the Buddha | Facebook

Nepal Premier of VaraA Blessing30 張相片)

負責人 Rangjung Yeshe Institute · 更新於約 2 個月前

On Monday 17 February, Rangjung Yeshe Institute and Translating the Words of the Buddha hosted the Nepal Premier of Dzongsar Jamyang Khyentse's new film Vara: A Blessing at Fcube Cinemas in Boudha, Nepal. The event was held in order to raise awareness about the importance of translation.

If you are interested in learning to translate from Tibetan to English please visit http://www.ryi.org/ we offer BA, MA and Oral Translator Training programs.

Thank you to Dzongsar Jamyang Khyentse Rinpoche, 84000: Translating the words of the Buddha, and all the volunteers who helped this event come together.

