宗薩欽哲仁波切 • 7月弘法日程『紐西蘭公開演講』
地點:新西蘭,奧克蘭,Jubilee Building, 545 Parnell Rd, Parnell(奧克蘭近郊)
聯繫方式:Naeri Adam Fernandez - naeriadam@gmail.com
宗薩欽哲仁波切 • 澳大利亞公開演講
University of New South Wales
John Niland Scientia Building (G19) Library Walk, Gate 11, Botany Street, Kensington
註冊:現場註冊於課程1小時前開放。建議網上註冊:http:/ /australia.siddharthasintent. org/teaching-and-practice/ 2014-calendar/dzongsar- khyentse-rinpoche-public-talk 此註冊網址會在課程開始前兩周開放。
費用:$25(SIA會員)/ $40(非會員)
聯繫方式:Anthea Von Staerck vonstaerck@gmail.com
Donna Pillay office@si.org.au
Chagdud Gonpa Khadro Ling | Facebook
Louvor às 21 Taras
Sur com Dzongsar Khyentse Rinpoche
/ 相簿 / Louvor às 21 Taras
作者 chagdud
Durante a sua passagem pelo Khadro Ling, Dzongsar Khyentse Rinpoche consagrou o Jardim das 21 Taras. Veja imagens.
Fotos:Pedro Rocha
https://m.flickr.com/#/photos/ chagdudgonpa/sets/ 72157644714492289/
Ani Zamba | Facebook:https://www.facebook. com/ani.zamba
Yesterday Rinpoche bestowed the Vima Ladrup Guru Yoga empowerment. I have a strong connection with the lineage of Vimalamitra. Then in the afternoon everyone did the long Sadhana of Red Tara together. In the late afternoon Rinpoche suggested we all do Sur practice, so everyone went outside the gompa where there was a large fire burning and people could offer any personal objects transforming them into whatever could bring relief to each and every being from their confusion and suffering.
Strangely enough I was inspired to offer my spinal back brace that I use as support to be able to walk. That inspiration arose as at the end of the empowerment Rinpoche called me up to give a blessing to everyone there of the Vimalamitra Lineage. He gave me the text that he was using for the Vima Ladrup and I had to walk around the 300-400 people there and give each one the blessing of the wisdom contained in that practice thus passing on the lineage of Vimalamitra. This was such a powerful transmission for me in many ways as Rinpoche knows only too well my spinal condition as it was through his advice that i undertook the last spinal surgery I had. He knows that often I'm in a wheelchair unable to walk, or only able to walk a few steps at a time so he usually does not ask me to walk around and give people the final blessings after the empowerments but yesterday he did. So he must know that possibly now my spinal condition has improved and I maybe able to do certain things that I never believed I'd be able to do again. Thank you so much Rinpoche your blessings always give me the courage to go beyond my seeming limitations. The blessings of Vimalamitra, the blessings of Guru Yoga-thank you.
Today is the last day of this cycle of teachings here at Khadro-ling Rinpoche may give some teachings on Tara practice not sure what he plans for today.
Tomorrow I leave for Sao Paolo just for 2 days I was not going but some friends offered me the tickets so now I am it seems. I imagine the teachings there will be interspersed with watching the opening of the World Cup. I do pray no one gets hurt as the situation in SP is not so good with strikes and protests coinciding with the start of the World Cup.