May the placement of these vases across the planet assist in creating world peace and harmony on all levels, in all places: in all major water bodies, on the highest mountains, in the largest rivers, at the most holy and powerful places, in all major ecologically endangered locations, and even in space.
May the placement of these vases across the planet assist in creating world peace and harmony on all levels, in all places: in all major water bodies, on the highest mountains, in the largest rivers, at the most holy and powerful places, in all major ecologically endangered locations, and even in space.
Turtle Mountain Island, Yilan County
Vase planted by Ringo Tulku, Liting Chao, Suhui Lin, Amrita Lin,
Freeman Chang, and Serena Yang, November 1, 2009
“At noon, led by Ringo Tulku, our team set out from the Black Stone Port
via the whale watching boat, when all of a sudden, the sun shone through
the dense clouds that had been so dark for days. Since the waves were high,
our members all got seasick except for Tulku, who sat there evenly like an
unwavering statue of Buddha. At the moment of placing the vase, the boat
was so shaky that no one could hardly stand up. It was Tulku who
smoothly put the vase down into the ocean with the help
of one of our dharma brothers.”