What is the Tradition of the Peace Vase?
Words from our founder, Dzongsar Khyentse Rinpoche, on the Peace Vase Project
Siddhartha's Intent International | Facebook:https://www.facebook. com/siddharthasintent
Siddhartha's Intent Hong Kong | Facebook:https://www.facebook. com/sihongkong
In 1991, Rinpoche created the Peace Vase Project to place over 6000 peace vases all over the planet at the request of his teacher, Kyabje Dilgo Khyentse Rinpoche. There are still so many left to plant. Here's more about this incredible project, in Rinpoche's own words, on what it all means.(For the full video, please visit: http://peacevaseproject.org)
The Peace Vase Project | Facebook:https://www.facebook. com/PeaceVaseProject
Recently, we asked our founder, Dzongsar Khyentse Rinpoche to talk to us about the tradition of the peace vase and he's what he had to say -(For the full video, please visit our website: http://peacevaseproject.org)
宗薩欽哲仁波切-正見網站(新浪微博):http:// weibo.com/zhengjianwangzhan
分享近期宗薩欽哲仁波切facebook上的訊息 原文: Reading GOD OF SMALL THINGS. 中文大意: (仁波切)正在看《微物之神》這本小說 http://photo.weibo.com/ 2185710201/wbphotos/large/mid/ 3723501577596995/pid/ 82474a79jw1ehkfcy9edoj20dw0dwq 3b
《微物之神》是由印度作家阿蘭達蒂所著震驚文壇的小說。 獲得英國布克獎、全美圖書獎,全球銷售超過600萬冊的曠世之作 !唯美的筆觸一層層揭開驚人的神秘與哀傷。 透過女性敏銳心靈和孩童清澈眼光,觀察南印度一個小村莊宗教、 社會和歷史,處處流露著深沉、古老的悲傷, 這是一部讓人欲哭無淚的小說。
【 書中名言 】
如果愛她,他就不能離開;如果吻她,他就不能和她說話; 如果說話,他就不能聆聽;如果戰鬥----他就不能贏。