2015年12月20日 星期日


Space and Awareness ~ Tulku Urgyen Rinpoche


It is said that the difference between buddhas and sentient beings is like the difference between the narrowness and the openness of space. Sentient beings are like the space held within a tightly closed fist, while buddhas are fully open, all-encompassing. Basic space and awareness are innately all-encompassing. Basic space is the absence of mental constructs, while awareness is the ‘knowing’ of this absence of constructs, recognizing the complete emptiness of mind essence. Space and awareness are inherently indivisible.

據說,諸佛與有情眾生之別,就如虛空的寬與窄之差。有情眾生就像是拳頭握緊時所能掌握的空間 ,諸佛則是全然敞開、包容一切。根本虛空 與覺性原本就是包容一切的。根本虛空即是無有心意造作[的狀態],覺性則是對此無有造作的「了知」、對於心性全然空性的認識。虛空與覺性本來就是不可分的 。


from the book As It Is, Vol. 1
選自《如是》As It is, 冊一

~普賢法譯小組Iris / Dorothy / Susane翻譯校對,Serena完稿於2015.12.20,願諸有情速速識得空覺不分!

