“In the Nyingma tradition of the secret mantra,
the meditation of the development stage is practiced by means of the three
samadhis. When meditating on the three samadhis, one starts with the samadhi of
suchness. The samadhi of suchness is of the nature of emptiness. As I said
before, the universe, its contents, and the emotions are all based on
emptiness. To explain the nature of form: if there is no dharmakaya of the
buddha, there is no sambhogakaya or nirmanakaya. If the dharmakaya of the
buddha, the stainless inconceivable dharmadhatu, is there, when the
inconceivable buddha qualities are gathered, the sambhogakaya manifests from
that dharmadhatu. When the compassion of the sambhogakaya is moved for the sake
of sentient beings, the nirmanakaya manifests. In that way, suchness samadhi
comes from emptiness, the dharmakaya.”
Dilgo Kyentse Rinpoche – ('The Four Abhishekas
and the Three Samadhis' – Collected Works, Vol III – pg 506, Shambhala)
[DOC]1 - 6 - 台灣噶舉佛學院
Dorothy, Jil中譯 & 校對,Serena完稿於2016/6/10。祈願一切有情皆能如理如法修持三三摩地!