2016年6月10日 星期五

吉美林巴:願我身語意諸行,唯為一切有情眾,帶來利益而無它! Jigme Lingpa: May whatever I do, with body, speech or mind, bring nothing but benefit to all sentient beings



已說讚的粉絲專頁 · 68 · 

In short, beginning with the training in the conduct of the bodhisattvas, may whatever I do, with body, speech or mind, bring nothing but benefit to all sentient beings, my very own parents!

Whatever my situation or circumstance, may I never feel the slightest wish to follow worldly ways, which run contrary to the Dharma!

Even if, whilst under the sway of karma and habitual patterns, a mistaken thought occurs to me, may it never be successful!

~ Jigme Lingpa
~~   本篇語出 吉美林巴尊者 (智悲光尊者)「入遍智城」願文,全名為「成就諦實語賢法入遍智大城願文」 http://www.lama.com.tw/content/meet/act.aspx?id=3061 ,英譯版 

Entering the City of Omniscience | Lotsawa House

www.lotsawahouse.org › Tibetan Masters › Jigme Lingpa


