2016年6月19日 星期日


祖古烏金仁波切在尼泊爾的寺院,於大地震一年多後仍需要您的協助以完成各項重建工程,詳見官網:(小額捐款可寫信來,敝人將代為共同匯款 ,六月底截止,serenalotus@gmail.com)

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Rangjung Yeshe Institute
Built by Tulku Urgyen Rinpoche and consecrated by the 16th Karmapa, Ka-Nying Shedrub Ling Monastery has been a place of spiritual inspiration, education, and blessing for over forty years. Many of the greatest masters of our time have giving teachings and empowerments in its main shrine hall and the monastery has served as RYI’s remarkable home since its establishment in 1997.
In 2015, April's 7.8 earthquake caused catastrophic damage to the whole building complex and assessments by expert architects and structural engineers have revealed widespread cracks throughout its main load-bearing structures. The monastery must therefore be taken down and rebuilt, and retrofitting work is also needed on the new monks’ quarters to the Northwest of the site.
Although the Ka-Nying community has suffered a great loss, rebuilding will provide an opportunity to build a stronger monastery large enough to accommodate the increasing number of monastic and lay practitioners wishing to take part in various events throughout the year.
The process of designing a new master plan for the monastery is being led by Dutch architect Peter Oudshoorn in consultation with local building contractors and the monastery’s lamas and senior monks. Six design options have been prepared to date and these are being used to help stimulate discussions about the design priorities of the monks and members of the wider sangha.
To quote Chökyi Nyima Rinpoche, “I would like to have all people who have a connection with the existing lhakhang and monastery to be able to give their input.”
A key challenge ahead is preserving the three magnificent statues in the lhakang that were made by hand from clay by Tulku Urgyen Rinpoche. So many people feel such a strong connection to them that it is seen as important that they be preserved and feature prominently in the new design.
Finalization of the masterplan was completed in spring 2016 with detailed design work and construction of the new monastery due to start shortly afterwards. Should you wish to support the rebuilding efforts, please consider joining the monastery’s pledge to rebuild campaign (http://shedrubfund.org). Your support will be greatly appreciated.
For more information regarding the process of reconstruction, and to meet the architect responsible for the vision, please visit:http://levekunst.com/architecting-a-temple-complex/.
Article from: RYI Spring 2016 Newsletter

