2015年8月4日 星期二

Rigpa Wiki 量詞 FIVE 的中文譯詞 (含連結網址)

Rigpa Wiki 量詞 FIVE (連結網址) 中文譯詞
Five Organs of Action 五業根
Five Sense Organs 五根
Buddha fields of the five families 五方佛淨土
Buddhas of the five families 五方佛
Five actions similar to those with immediate retribution 五無間同類業
Five basic categories of knowable things 五所知事
Five branch winds 五支分風/氣
Five buddha families 五佛部
Five certainties 五決定/五圓滿
Five circumstantial advantages 五種他圓滿
Five clear perceptions 五神通
Five crimes with immediate retribution 五無間罪
Five degenerations 五濁
Five dharma kings 五護法王
Five elements 五大
Five ever-present mental states 五種遍行
Five Excellent Ones of Sublime Nobility 聖種五賢
Five experiences 止修五覺受
Five eyes 五眼
Five faults 止修五過患
Five female buddhas 五方佛母
Five first excellent disciples 五比丘
Five great dharanis 五大陀羅尼
Five inner enabling empowerments 內五力灌頂
Five kayas 五身
F cont.  
Five kinds of self-infatuation 五眷戀
Five kinds of sensory stimulant 五欲樂
Five kingly sutras 五經王
Five lay vows 居士五戒
Five limbs 五肢
Five major sciences 五(大)明
Five major structural themes 造論五綱領(必要、略說、解義、連貫、辯答)
Five minor sciences 五小明
Five object-determining mental states 五別境
Five objects of knowledge 五法
Five offerings of the five kinds of sensory stimulant 五欲供
Five paths 五道
Five Patron Gods 五守舍神
Five perfections 五圓滿/五決定
Five personal advantages 五種自圓滿
Five poisons 五毒
Five powers 五力
Five practices of enlightenment without meditation 無修成佛五法
Five precious substances 五珍寶
Five principal considerations 那爛陀寺造論五支/著論五本
Five principal consorts of Guru Rinpoche 蓮師五大明妃/佛母
Five pure abodes 五淨居天
Five root winds 五根本風/氣
F cont.  
Five Sakya patriarchs 薩迦五祖
Five samadhis 五類三摩地
Five sciences 五明
Five sense faculties 五根
Five silken adornments 五絲衣嚴飾
Five Sisters of Long Life 長壽五天女
Five skandhas 五蘊
Five sovereign terma revealers 五伏藏王
Five stages of prenatal development 胎內五位
Five strengths 五力
Five styles of wrong livelihood 五不正業
Five Treatises of Maitreya 彌勒五論
Five types of result 五種果法
Five vehicles 五乘
Five winds 五風/氣
Five wisdoms 五智
Five wrathful herukas and their five consorts 五嘿嚕嘎佛父母
Five wrong views 五(邪)見
Five wrong ways of remembering 五種不執持(五種不當受持[佛法的方式])
Five yogas 五瑜伽/五道
The Five Great Treasures 《五寶藏》

~普賢法譯小組 Peter / Serena   2015.08.04,若有稍許功德盡皆迴向眾生速證佛果!

