明年是西藏的火猴年,也是每十二年一次的蓮師年,相傳蓮師是猴年出生的。 仁波切希望世界各地的弟子持誦蓮師七支祈請文(蓮師七句頌)1 億遍~~
DJKR 7-Line-Prayer 念誦
https://soundcloud.com/ boyanmexico/djkr-7-line-prayer
If you visualize,take refuge and surrender to your Guru then your Guru is within you,inseparable .Enlightenment is not separate from you in Buddha dharma.Just remembering and having the consistency is important.Its not the quantity and the length but consistency that is very important.pardon it's what I understood ,correct me. From DJKR's teaching in RIM ,Thimphu.
Nobody Wants To Suffer But Nobody Wants To Abandon The Suffering. by DJKR
Adarsha Photography | Facebook
https://www.facebook.com/ pages/Adarsha-Photography/ 145721332185729
From the #returninghometodzongsar series. The two noble gentlemen of Dzongsar, Dzongsar Khyentse Rinpoche and Dzongsar Khenchen Phuntshok Namgyel, share a light moment in the Khyentse Labrang, Kham, Tibet.
https://www.facebook.com/ 145721332185729/photos/a. 154779854613210.36100. 145721332185729/ 894946710596517/
HEMA HEMA:Sing me a song while i wait | Facebook
https://www.facebook.com/ luchigtang
Update #7
DJK Answer #3
有某贊助片人問仁波切:「什麽是無面具?」仁波切答:「 我希望我知道!」
We received 5 questions this week and this is the one Khyentse Norbu chose to answer.
Backer T.R. asked:"What is Masklessness?" Watch the video for his reply.
Thanks to all of you for helping us reach the $125,000 mark. Less thank $10,000 more to go in the next 6 days. We may have some last minute incentives and all backers will be the first to know.
DJKR 7-Line-Prayer 念誦
If you visualize,take refuge and surrender to your Guru then your Guru is within you,inseparable .Enlightenment is not separate from you in Buddha dharma.Just remembering and having the consistency is important.Its not the quantity and the length but consistency that is very important.pardon it's what I understood ,correct me. From DJKR's teaching in RIM ,Thimphu.
Nobody Wants To Suffer But Nobody Wants To Abandon The Suffering. by DJKR
Adarsha Photography | Facebook
From the #returninghometodzongsar series. The two noble gentlemen of Dzongsar, Dzongsar Khyentse Rinpoche and Dzongsar Khenchen Phuntshok Namgyel, share a light moment in the Khyentse Labrang, Kham, Tibet.
HEMA HEMA:Sing me a song while i wait | Facebook
Update #7
DJK Answer #3
We received 5 questions this week and this is the one Khyentse Norbu chose to answer.
Backer T.R. asked:"What is Masklessness?" Watch the video for his reply.
Thanks to all of you for helping us reach the $125,000 mark. Less thank $10,000 more to go in the next 6 days. We may have some last minute incentives and all backers will be the first to know.
HEMA HEMA:Sing me a song while i wait | Facebook
https://www.facebook.com/ luchigtang
Only 10 days left for our Kickstarter to come to an end. Back us and be part of this exciting project! A big thank you for all the support so far. Check the link on our bio.
2015.10.08 今天在雪謙寺的薈供 Tsok at Shechen Monastery today.
https://www.facebook.com/ media/set/a.990885284283401. 1073741964.100000858171429
宗薩欽哲仁波切於尼泊爾雪謙寺頂果欽哲法王舍利塔前修法活動寫真 花絮分享
https://www.facebook.com/ permalink.php?story_fbid= 10154407728424762&id= 422038114761
At Shenchen Monastery, Nepal. 2015.10.09
https://www.facebook.com/ photo.php?fbid= 991116080926988a. 959235324115064.1073741935. 100000858171429
祜主 上師寶 敦珠法王三世2015/10 尼泊爾菩提行-3
藏曆二五日/ 法王與弟子ㄧ起修持黑忿怒空行薈供
10/08祜主 宗薩欽哲仁波切與祜主西藏 敦珠法王三世至尼泊爾天葬(火化)聖地處修持火供
https://www.facebook.com/ permalink.php?story_fbid= 918296018261419&id= 333192060105154
Only 10 days left for our Kickstarter to come to an end. Back us and be part of this exciting project! A big thank you for all the support so far. Check the link on our bio.
2015.10.08 今天在雪謙寺的薈供 Tsok at Shechen Monastery today.
At Shenchen Monastery, Nepal. 2015.10.09
祜主 上師寶 敦珠法王三世2015/10 尼泊爾菩提行-3
藏曆二五日/ 法王與弟子ㄧ起修持黑忿怒空行薈供
10/08祜主 宗薩欽哲仁波切與祜主西藏 敦珠法王三世至尼泊爾天葬(火化)聖地處修持火供