To put it simply, from the moment you
enter the sacred Dharma and become a Dharma practitioner, your inner attitude
and outer conduct should far surpass those of an ordinary mundane person. As
the saying goes:
sign of true learning is a peaceful temperament,
the sign of having meditated is fewer afflictions."
If, on the contrary, your attitude and
conduct are not even slightly better than an average person caught up in
worldly affairs, you might consider yourself a scholar simply because you have
some intellectual understanding of a few texts. Or you might think you are a
perfect monk simply because you maintain celibacy. Or just because you know how
to chant a few ritual texts, you might start thinking of yourself as a ngakpa. These
are all just instances of blatant arrogance, and only go to show that even with
the Dharma one can stumble in the direction of the unwholesome.
~ 普賢法譯小組Sarita, Iris,
Jil中譯,Serena完稿於2016/4/2 (藏曆2/25)。祈願一切有情皆能寧靜調柔、煩惱根除!