2016年4月17日 星期日

棚橋一晃:沒有誰是單獨的 Kazuaki Tanahashi: NOBODY IS ALONE

Kazuaki Tanahashi: NOBODY IS ALONE

The doctrine of zeroness, asserting the lack of self-identity and the lack of absolute separation in all things, became the central teaching of Mahayana Buddhism. In zeroness, all things are connected; nothing is absolute; nothing is separate; nobody is alone. Even Buddhist doctrines are seen as zeroness, not containing absolute fixed truths. Experience of this teaching is seen as awakening, as freedom, no other than prajna paramita [perfection of wisdom]. 


~ The Heart Sutra: A Comprehensive Guide to the Classic of Mahayana Buddhism
by Kazuaki Tanahashi, page 157
~ 引自棚橋一晃《心經:如何通達此部大乘佛典》157
~ 註:1. 此處的nobody可能指人、眾生、補特伽羅  2. 出世慧圓滿

~ 普賢法譯小組Richard, Emilia, Sarita中譯,Serena完稿於2016/4/17。祈願一切有情皆能了悟萬法彼此相連的道理,不再害怕孤單!

