
The Profound Definitive Meaning 甚深了義句
Submitted by Milarepa on Tue, 12/04/2007 - 18:19.
For the mind that masters view the emptiness dawns
In the content seen not even an atom exists
A seer and seen refined until they're gone
This way of realizing view, it works quite well
(見) 對於精修見地的心,空性曙光將出現, 悟見之心得見空性之曙光,
在那連一個原子都看不到的內涵中; 於其體性乃至無有一微塵;
見者與所見將變得完善,直到他們都消失。 直至二元消融時,見者所見得完善。
這種了悟見地的方式,是相當可行的! 此等見地之了悟,賢善可行極殊妙!
When meditation is clear light river flow
There is no need to confine it to sessions and breaks
Meditator and object refined until they're gone
This heart bone of meditation, it beats quite well
(修) 當禪修成為清淨光明流水相續時, 禪修成為淨光流水相續時,
就不需要把它限定成座上和座下; 此時無需強分座上與座下;
禪修者和對境(所緣境)將變得完善,直到他們都消失。 直至二元消融時,修者所修得完善。
這個禪修的心骨(心要),是相當容易敲響(修成)的! 此等禪修之心要,賢善易成極殊妙!
When you're sure that conduct's work is luminous light
And you're sure that interdependence is emptiness
A doer and deed refined until they're gone
This way of working with conduct, it works quite well
(行) 當你確定行為的作用就是光明, 若有把握行為造作皆光明,
並確定事物的依緣就是空性時; 亦能暸達因緣所生即空性;
造作者和行為將變得完善,直到他們都消失。 直至二元消融時,作者所作得完善。
這種和行為相處的方式,是相當可行的! 此等處事之模式,賢善可行極殊妙!
When biased thinking has vanished into space
No phony facades, eight dharmas, nor hopes and fears,
A keeper and kept refined until they're gone
This way of keeping samaya, it works quite well
(戒) 當帶有成見的念頭消融於虛空時, 若汝概念分別融於虛空時,
沒有虛假的外相,世間八法,沒有希求也沒有恐懼; 遠離八法幻相無懼亦無求;
持戒者與所持戒將變得完善,直到他們都消失。 直至二元消融時,持者所持得完善。
這種持守三昧耶的方法,是相當可行的! 此等三昧耶持守,賢善可行極殊妙!
When you've finally discovered your mind is dharmakÏya
And you're really doing yourself and others good
A winner and won refined until they're gone
This way of winning results, it works quite well
(果) 當你終於發現你的心就是法身時, 末後若汝了悟自心即法身,
並且你正真實的在利益自己和他人; 於時真行善法自利與利他;
勝利者和勝利將變得完善,直到他們都消失。 直至二元消融時,勝者所勝得完善。
這種獲得成就的方法,是相當可行的! 此等成就之方法,賢善可行極殊妙!
Translated by the Marpa Translation Committee. © 1994 Marpa Translation Committee.
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