2014年9月17日 星期三



Mahabodhi Mahavihara, Bodhgaya Templehttp://www.mahabodhi.com/

Annual Puja 2014-15(請點擊以下網址上網瀏覽菩提迦耶大覺寺201415年場地法會活動名單):http://www.mahabodhi.com/en/puja-2014-15.pdf

DJK Rinpoche's program starting this October in bodhgaya.

Rinpoche is performing dzongsar Monlem on 84000verses of Buddha under the bodhi tree in bodhgaya accompanied by chapjey dungsey rinpoche's and monks from the dzongsar shedra in bir,India.It will be done in Tibetan and also in English as per my understanding.

Starting from 20 th October.

this announcement is about a special event on the 27th connected with 84.000 project . Apart from that I heard that monlam starts on the 21st of October.

宗薩遍喜自在學佛會 Dzongsar kunga wangchuk | Facebook

北印度宗薩欽哲確吉羅卓佛學院 201410/22  10/31 於印度菩提迦耶舉辦三十五佛懺十萬遍祈願法會 https://www.facebook.com/permalink.php?story_fbid=633319683455496&id=309470479173753

Dawa Dolma | Facebookhttps://www.facebook.com/Dharmarupa

2014年度的菩提迦耶宗薩祈願法會將於102231日舉行。屆時宗薩欽哲仁波切與兩位薩迦圓滿宮法王子無變金剛仁波切與無畏金剛仁波切將帶領全體僧眾及善信於菩提樹下共同修滿10萬遍35佛懺,並於27日下午5時集體誦讀《佛說普曜經》(lalitavistura 一部講述釋迦牟尼由降生直至成道的佛經)來緬懷、憶念世尊。仁波切還有可能給予35佛懺悔文的開示。

