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敦珠仁波切身體內的大樂蓮師像,醫師在X光檢查時所照到而發現的 !
Sharing with you for the first time, the Xray result of H.H. Dudjom Rinpoche , it shows the self manifestation of Guru Dewa Chenpo inside Rinpoche's body , that is what the doctors discovered(pictured), Not pictured is Yeshe Tshogyal below that ...
H.H. Dudjom Rinpoce was not too keen on people talking about his miraculous display attributed to him. However, now I think it is the right time to share some of them. Thank you to H.H. Dungse Shenphen Rinpoce for allowing me to share this with all of you.
May this inspire one and all. For the benefit of all sentient beings .
Please note , that I tried my best to capture the image clearly as possible.
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Here is a side by side comparison of the Xray of H.H. Dudjom Rinpoche where the doctors found the self manifested image of Guru Dewa Chenpo and the statues of Guru Dewa Chenpo himself , for more clarity since someone asked.