Aug 3rd

"Even if
you practice only for an hour a day with faith and inspiration, good qualities
will steadily increase. Regular practice makes it easy to transform your mind.
From seeing only relative truth, you will eventually reach a profound certainty
in the meaning of absolute truth." Kyabje Dilgo Khyentse Rinpoche

"All sentient beings
are the same in wishing to be happy and not to suffer. The great difference
between oneself and others is in numbers—there is only one of me, but countless
others. So, my happiness and my suffering are completely insignificant compared
to the happiness and suffering of infinite other beings. What truly matters is
whether other beings are happy or suffering. This is the basis of bodhichitta.
We should wish others to be happy rather than ourselves, and we should
especially wish happiness for those whom we perceive as enemies and those who
treat us badly. Otherwise, what is the use of compassion?" Kyabje Dilgo
Khyentse Rinpoche.
~普賢法譯小組(Samantabhadra Translating Group)Jampa Chodron翻譯 / Susane校對,Serena貼網於 2014.09.11,願一切有情速入佛道、速證佛果!