台灣噶千佛學會 合十
* 西雅圖中心會長提供
Important audio recording: Garchen Rinpoche performs Phowa (please share)
Dear Dharma friends,
HE Garchen Rinpoche did some precious recordings during his 2015 Taiwan tour. Rinpoche instructs Taiwan Garchen Dharma Institute to release the precious recording of Phowa to disciples and students. You may download the recording using the link below.
The supreme Phowa, the transference of consciousness, is a way to transfer the consciousness to the pureland. You may often listen to this recording to increase your virtue and merits. What's more important is that you may play it for someone dying or for the deceased. Thereby, they may be reborn in the pureland by the power of the three jewels and the three roots. Thus recording is one of the precious gifts from Garchen Rinpoche. Please make good use of it and spread it widely.
★Please spread this precious teaching widely, making all beings in need and all listeners receive great benefit.
★When you share this recording with people, please do not edit it and keep it as a whole. If you use it in public, please make note of the credit as Taiwan Garchen Dharma Institute.
Phowa audio recording download point: https://goo.gl/otEyLr
Garchen Dharma Institute audio recording download page:http://www.garchen.tw/Shared_resources/Sounds
Garchen Dharma Institute