2014年10月18日 星期六

香巴拉出版社10/19-24 免費線上活動:薩姜米龐仁波切和多位西方修行者的深度對話

New from Shambhala
We are pleased to share with you this free online event,
hosted by our friends at Shambhala Mountain Center,
which features some of our most distinguished authors. . . .

Awake in the World features over twenty top thought leaders and wisdom holders sharing their experience and guidance on such things as mindful eating, reducing stress, cultivating healthy relationships, working with difficult situations at work, establishing a meditation practice, working with compassion, and integrating lessons from yoga and meditation into your everyday life.

Presenters and Hosts Include: Sakyong Mipham Rinpoche, Tara Brach, Dr. Roger Teel, Roshi Joan Halifax, Charles Eisenstein, Roshi Bernie Glassman, Richard Reoch, Acharya Fleet Maull, Susan Piver, Lodro Rinzler, Acharya Adam Lobel, Irini Rockwell, Acharya Susan Chapman, Michael Carroll, Acharya Dan Hessey, Shastri Janet Solyntjes, Seane Corn, Acharya Gaylon Ferguson, Shiva Rea, Susan Skjei, Alexandra Shenpen, Kazuaki Tanahashi, and many more!

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