■一步一步跟著 噶千仁波切,一起學上供與下施~(via 台灣噶千佛學會)http://youtu.be/VgUYOHeYpZs
■It's Garchen Rinpoche's teaching and practicing video of "Smoking Offering & White Zambala Daily Practice".
★附註:已請教圖登尼瑪喇嘛Lama Thubtennima,喇嘛開示,為眾生廣大利益之故,只要發心正確,尚未獲得口傳者,也可觀看及修習此系列教學示範影片。
P.S: Lama Thubtennima had confirmed that the series teachings of the Smoke Offering and White Tara ...etc. can be published on GDI FB adn Web .People with right devotion can watch and study those teachings no matter they have oral transmittion or not before.
@台灣噶千佛學會Garchen Dharma Institute.(Taiwan)。
■一步一步跟著 噶千仁波切,一起學上供與下施~(via 台灣噶千佛學會)http://youtu.be/VgUYOHeYpZs
■It's Garchen Rinpoche's teaching and practicing video of "Smoking Offering & White Zambala Daily Practice".
★附註:已請教圖登尼瑪喇嘛Lama Thubtennima,喇嘛開示,為眾生廣大利益之故,只要發心正確,尚未獲得口傳者,也可觀看及修習此系列教學示範影片。
P.S: Lama Thubtennima had confirmed that the series teachings of the Smoke Offering and White Tara ...etc. can be published on GDI FB adn Web .People with right devotion can watch and study those teachings no matter they have oral transmittion or not before.
@台灣噶千佛學會Garchen Dharma Institute.(Taiwan)。