2014年10月1日 星期三

宗薩欽哲仁波切於「國際翻譯日」對法譯者的致敬 & 「八萬四千佛典傳譯」為藏文翻譯者所提供的藏文搜尋網站 (英文內容)

84000Translating the Words of the Buddha | Facebookhttps://www.facebook.com/Translate84000

In honor of International Translation Day (September 30), Dzongsar Khyentse Rinpoche paid tribute to our translators and emphasized on the importance of motivation. http://84000.co/translators-tribute/

Congrats to our colleagues at Tibetan Buddhist Resource Center for the release of the Tibetan eText Repository, which enables deep searching inside Tibetan texts. This would be a very useful resource for all our translators. http://about.tbrc.org/tibetan-etext-repository-born-digital/

Ever wonder about the background of 84000Watch this video interview conducted by Buddhistdoor Internationalhttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=icIIdaLLdE4


  1. International Translation Day - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

    International Translation Day is celebrated every year on 30 September on the feast of St. Jerome, the Bible translator who is considered the patron saint of ...



