2014年10月26日 星期日

10/22~31 宗薩祈願法會 @ 菩提迦耶的正覺塔菩提樹下

10/2231 宗薩祈願法會如期舉行。屆時在菩提迦耶的正覺塔菩提樹下,宗薩欽哲仁波切將與兩位薩迦法王子帶領全體佛學院僧眾及十方善信共同修滿十萬遍三十五佛懺,27日下午5時還將集體誦讀《佛說普曜經》來緬懷、憶念世尊。仁波切還有會三十五佛懺悔文的珍貴開示。


H.E Dzongsar Jamyang Khyentse Rinpoche is giving profound, useful , practicable , genuine points of whole buddhadharma at just under the bodhi tree where the Buddha has fully enlightened, actually I can't find exact word to express how great about the teaching and all of prayer but I can only say that if I was with the buddha under the bodhi tree at his time I would have same feeling what I have here now:-). (6 張相片)
Dzongsar Khyentse Rinpoche teaching under the Bodhi Tree on the Sutra of the Three Heaps right now.

