84000 | Translating the Words of the Buddha:http://84000.co/
Mark the Date!Sūtra Resounding on October 27
10月27日,菩提樹下與您有約:http://84000. co/p6854/
Remembering the Buddha:Sūtra Resounding Under the Bodhi Tree
On October 27, 2014, Monday, 84000: Translating the Words of the Buddha and Dzongsar Khyentse Chokyi Lodro Institute (DKCLI) will be jointly hosting a sūtra resounding under the Bodhi tree in Bodhgaya, India.
【八萬四千•佛典傳譯】及宗薩欽哲確吉羅卓佛學院(DKCLI) 將在2014年10月27日(週一), 于印度菩提迦耶的菩提樹下,共同舉辦一場經典迴響活動。
With “Remembering the Buddha” as its theme, the one-hour program will commence at 5:15 p.m. with a short teaching by Dzongsar Khyentse Rinpoche, followed by a resounding of the sūtra The Play in Full (English) / Lalitavistara (Sanskrit) / རྒྱ་ཆེར་རོལ་པའི་མདོ། (Tibetan) / 方廣大莊嚴經 (Chinese).
Play in Full (English):http://read.84000. co/#!ReadingRoom/UT22084-046- 001/0
這場以「憶念佛陀」為主題的活動將於下午5:15開始, 為時一個小時。先由宗薩欽哲仁波切給予簡短的開示,隨後即進行T he Play in Full (英) / Lalitavistara (梵) / རྒྱ་ཆེར་རོལ་པའི་མདོ། (藏) / 《大遊戲經》(漢)的經典迴響讀誦。
The sūtra resounding will be held under the Bodhi tree on October 27, 2014. Photo: Toto Iwantoro
經典迴響將于2014年10月27日, 在印度菩提迦耶的菩提樹下舉行。攝影:Toto Iwantoro
Recently translated by 84000 into English, The Play in Full is one of the most extensive Mahāyāna sūtras on the Buddha’s life story. Read it online or download the PDF:The Play In Full.(http://read.84000.co/#! ReadingRoom/UT22084-046-001/0)
The resounding will be done in several languages, including Tibetan, English, and Chinese. For those interested in attending the event, we request that you print or download your own copy of the sūtra and bring it with you:
近期經由84000翻譯成英文的《大遊戲經》,又名《 方廣大莊嚴經》, 是大乘佛典中一部深度講述釋迦牟尼佛生平事蹟的經典。 此次經典迴響將以藏文、英文和中文等數種語言進行。 有意參加此活動的人士,請攜帶事先自行下載或列印的經文。
Click here(http://read.84000.co/#! ReadingRoom/UT22084-046-001/0) to download The Play in Full in English.(http://read.84000.co/ #!ReadingRoom/UT22084-046-001/ 0)
下載英文版,請點擊鏈接:The Play in Full(http://read.84000.co/#! ReadingRoom/UT22084-046-001/0)
Click here(http://buddhism.lib.ntu. edu.tw/BDLM/sutra/chi_pdf/ sutra2/T03n0187.pdf)to download 方廣大莊嚴經 in Chinese.(http://buddhism.lib. ntu.edu.tw/BDLM/sutra/chi_pdf/ sutra2/T03n0187.pdf)
This event is free for all to come. We welcome everyone to join us in remembering and commemorating the life and teachings of the Buddha, at the very place where the Buddha attained enlightenment.
此次活動免費開放。竭誠歡迎大家前來參與, 一同在菩提迦耶佛陀成道之處,憶念佛陀的生平與法教。
During the 2012 sūtra resounding in Bodhgaya, Dzongsar Khyentse Rinpoche explained the significance of reading the words of the Buddha:http://84000.co/ opening-address-by-dzongsar- khyentse-rinpoche
仁波切在主持2012年菩提樹下經典迴響時, 解釋了關於讀誦佛經的深遠意義:http://84000. co/p4499/
Click here(http://84000.co/sutra- resounding-under-the-bodhi- tree)to view the sūtra resounding at Bodhgaya in 2012.(http://84000.co/sutra- resounding-under-the-bodhi- tree)
有關2012年菩提樹下的經典迴響活動(http:// 84000.co/p4499/),請點擊此處(http:// 84000.co/p4499/)。
Click here(http://84000.co/kangyur- resounding-from-east-to-west)t o learn about how sūtra resounding(http://84000.co/ kangyur-resounding-from-east- to-west)is practiced traditionally.