1. 用宗薩欽哲仁波切所拍的照片做成 Ashoka cards 明信片供人請購,所有盈餘都捐給仁波切在不丹東部德瓦塘的佛學院
2. 三部有宗薩欽哲仁波切出現的短片
3. 仁波切講解《寶性論》和《入中論》的英文電子書
~~From the KF October Communique: Supporting Your Aspiration
Manjughosha Edition has assembled a collection of greeting cards and postcards featuring photography by Rinpoche. This predictably unpredictable series of images is for sale at Manjughosha Edition. Soon the complete set of Ashoka cards by sangha artists will also be available for purchase. Profits from the cards go to Chökyi Gyatso Institute, Rinpoche's monastery in Dewathang, Eastern Bhutan.
Manjughosha Edition, based in Berlin, is a German Buddhist publishing house started in 2008 as a project of Siddhartha´s Intent to publish rare Buddhist texts in German, with a focus on the Nyingma tradition and biographies of great masters. They have also translated and printed two books offered as free downloads on the Siddhartha’s Intent Web site (Rinpoche's commentaries on Buddhanature and Madhyamakavatara). "Some people like to have the hard copy," said Doris Wolter, who helped establish Manjughosha Edition. "We also distribute three rare films in which Dzongsar Khyentse Rinpoche plays a role." For more information, go to Manjughosha Edition.
Buddhist patronage, because wisdom and compassion benefit all.
P.O. Box 156648 | San Francisco, CA 94115 | phone: 415.788.8048 | fax: 415.534.0819 info@khyentsefoundation.org | www.khyentsefoundation.org THE COMMUNIQUÉ is a publication of Khyentse Foundation, a nonprofit organization founded by Dzongsar Khyentse Rinpoche in 2001 to build a system of patronage to support all traditions of Buddhist study and practice. |