literal meaning of Guru Yoga is ‘union with the teacher’s nature’. To blend
your mind with the teacher’s mind is the most profound of all practices, and
the shortest path of realization. It is the life force of the path and the one
practice that includes all others. It was through relying on a spiritual
teacher that all the Bodhisattvas of the past generated the mind of
enlightenment and reached perfection.”
H.H. Dilgo Khyentse Rinpoche
~ https://www.pinterest.com/mashwell7/h-h-dilgo-khyentse-rinpoche/ https://www.facebook.com/RamanaHridayam/photos/a.362693990506759.1073741828.362686667174158/876529445789875/?type=3&comment_id=876835872425899&comment_tracking=%7B%22tn%22%3A%22R%22%7D
普賢法譯小組Jil, Yudih, Susane中譯 & 校對,Serena完稿於2016/5/29。祈願一切有情皆能依止上師而生起菩提心並證得圓滿!