2013年11月2日 星期六


As you read this, ideally, you could remember the preciousness of this moment, the fact that you are even able to read, the fact that you have time to read, the fact that you are getting something out of this. This moment is so precious, and so fleeting, so momentary, and in a strange way this fleeting temporariness is what makes this moment so beautiful and profound. Try to have this thought throughout this day, not just when you read this but when you have a cup of tea.
Dzongsar Khyentse RinpocheConfidence is important not only in dharma practice but in all situations. But people must realize that confidence is not the same as pride. Pride is when you are thinking something about yourself that is not true. Confidence is thinking something that is true about yourself. For instance, I am a human and I can confidently act as a human. I am not a bird. If I pretend to be a bird, I am in trouble.
宗薩仁波切:不僅在佛法修行上,在所有處境中,信心都很重要。但是人們必須瞭解,信心並不等同於驕傲。 驕傲是當你想著某些並非你自己真相的東西,而信心則是想著你自己真的是那麼回事的某些東西。舉例來說,我是人,我能夠自信地做為人類;我不是一隻鳥,如果我假裝是一隻鳥,我就有麻煩了。
Dzongsar Khyentse RinpocheHaving the right view actually enhances confidence. Most of us never have the right view and even if we do have the right view it’s usually influenced by hope and fear. Our view is almost always corrupted by materialism. This is why our confidence constantly gets tested and not only tested by(譯者案,應作 but) smashed. Then our moods become so low. So having the right view actually enhances confidence. It’s so important to have the right view.
Dzongsar Khyentse RinpocheThe actual teaching of the Buddha, the Buddhadharma never needs to change. It’s already progressive and up to date. It’s concerned with the truth of our life. Such truths cannot really change, and should not. In fact we have no ability to change the truth. For example no one can change the fact that we do not live forever. But the methods of teaching, yes, depending on the time, situation, even depending on each person, they can change. It might be a different way of delivering, coaching, different jargon, different use of nuances, language, idioms, symbols. All these can change.
Dzongsar Khyentse RinpocheContrary to many people’s thinking, Vajrayana is actually not separate from Mahayana Buddhism. Vajrayana concentrates very much on wisdom. Wisdom is not always complimentary to conventional ideas of morality and right and wrong. Vajrayana, which is the wisdom oriented practice, tends to actually break down the concept of morality, Vajrayana always pulls the rug from under our feet. This is because in the Vajrayana, the battle between the solution and the problem is fought in a different way. The Vajrayana has the wisdom to see that sometimes the problem itself is the solution. And at times even the solution can be the problem. But this is not easily put into practice.
Dzongsar Khyentse RinpocheI think because of their long history, Buddhism Taoism and Confusicism is very much imbedded in Chinese psyche. But it almost without the Chinese people even knowing. Buddhism is in Chinese poetry, it’s in the sayings, it’s in the iconography. I have a suspicion that even Chinese Christians and Muslims might be using the Buddhist way of doing things. Chinese people drink a tea named Quan Yin, which is a very Buddhist icon. Quan Yin at the most basic level is understood as a female deity but on the most profound level is none other than the Buddha’s teachings on compassion. I’m sure many Christian Chinese drink Quan Yin tea, and many Muslim Chinese drink Quan Yin tea.
Dzongsar Khyentse RinpocheWhether it’s a degenerated time or not, it shouldn’t matter. Degenerated times give us an opportunity to make the teachings even more vibrant and alive. Buddha himself said that his teachings would be more vibrant and alive as time goes by. So degenerated times are not an excuse not to explore on the path.
Dzongsar Khyentse RinpocheWe should promote thinking about the bigger picture instead of quick profits, quick fixes, which are like pain killers. Trying to be visionary, not only for the country but even for the home, for personal growth, for a health family and I think we learn to do that. Probably we will begin to be more open minded but the sad thing is the schools and the universities tend not to teach this kind of thinking.
Dzongsar Khyentse RinpocheThat’s a very difficult question that cannot be answered easily. From the top of my head I would say discipline is necessary. When I say discipline I am not just talking about Buddhist discipline, I’m talking about even very mundane but profound things such as eating at home three times a week, at least. It makes you healthy, it means you are not spending money so you have more in your wallet, so you are happier, You are healthy, wealthy and you are happy.
Dzongsar Khyentse RinpocheIt might be helping only a very little bit. I think not so much. I think the real help of the Buddhadharma is through the aspiration of the individual. But on the internet we end up using it to express our own personal thoughts which ends up becoming self promoting etc. Personally the internet and social media have created more stress for me because everything gets done so efficiently and efficiency is one of the main causes of stress.
Dzongsar Khyentse RinpochePeople who work for this, they must do it with a good intention. Good intention is very easy to achieve, we just forget to have it. The workers here could always get up in the morning and think: whatever I do today may it benefit all beings one way or another. That is going to be the best.

